Ch.2: Origami Frogs

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 Adelice smiled as she walked into Lelouch's home. “Hello~”, she called out. She was met by Sayoko entering the room. “Hello Ms. Attwood.”, she greeted her. Adelice smiled and held up a a bunch of sheets of colored paper. “I thought, perhaps since Lelouch is going to be late again, you could teach us some more of your origami”.

Sayoko smiled and nodded. “Of course”. Sayoko led Adelice to the grand dining room and she smiled as she saw Nunally already waiting for her. “Hello Nunally.”, Adelice smiled at the blind girl. “Adelice how nice, are you joining Lelouch and me for dinner?”, she asked, excited by the possibility of having her brother and best friend with her.

Adelice sighed looking down at the table, her eyes following the patters of the stained wood. Look at what you put me through Lelouch, now I got to break this poor girls spirit and it make me look like the bad guy... “Oh... well, about that sweety... Lelouch called me while I was school and said he wouldn't be able to make it to dinner and that he would be home late.”, Adelice said taking Nunally's hand. A frown played upon Nunally's lips. “Oh, I see.”

Adelice frowned a little herself, she knew Nunally always looked forward to having dinner with Lelouch. It was a time where they could both talk about their day. Adelice trailed her eyes to a strand of hair that was in Nunally's face. She smiled and leaned forward, tucking the strand of golden hair behind her ear. “But hey, I brought something over that you might enjoy.”, Adelice said, trying to brighten the mood. “Hmm? What is it?”

She grabbed a stack of colorful paper and handed it to Nunally to let her feel it. She smiled as Nunally looked more confused, running her hand over the paper. “It's origami paper, I thought it would be a fun little activity for you and I to do while we wait for Lelouch to come home.”

Nunally smiled big. “Yes, Sayoko can teach us all sorts of things.”, she said her mood now brightened. Sayoko came back into the room holding plates for both of them. She set them down and Adelice eyed the delicious food. Soba noodles with a little bit of sushi on the side. “Thank you Sayoko it looks delicious.” Sayoko nodded in acknowledgment and went off back to the kitchen.

“It smells delicious!”, Nunally exclaimed feeling around for her fork. Adelice smiled and grabbed her hand, handing the fork to her. Nunally wasted no time and started to eat. Adelice suppressed a giggle and looked down at her food. She twisted the noodles with her fork and plopped them into her mouth. “Adelice?” She was brought out of her thoughts of how great this food was by Nunally.

“Do you love Lelouch?”, Nunally asked, putting a little piece of sushi into her mouth. Adelice smiled and did the same, “I do. Very much so”, she answered. Nunally smiled big once again. “That's another thing we have in common. I love Lelouch too. He's the best brother I could ever ask for.” Adelice watched Nunally, she admired her. How blindness had not made her hate the world or be angry in anyway, it was remarkable.

It brought a smile to her lips, how precious this soft spoken, beautiful girl was. She thought of her as a sister even though they weren't blood related. If anything were to happen to Nunally, Adelice would be devastated just the same as Lelouch would be. As they finished their meal Sayoko came out to retrieve their empty plates. Adelice thanked her again for the delicious meal and then set about dividing the paper. “What color paper would you like, Nunally? I've got blue, red, green, purple, and orange.”

“Green”, Nunally answered and Adelice set a few sheets of green paper in front of her. “Alright~ and I will choose purple.”, she said as she set the few pieces of paper in a neat pile in front of her. Sayoko came back and smiled, pulling out a chair and sitting down next to them. “So what are you going to teach us how to make, Sayoko?”, she asked.

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