Ch 11: Hostage

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Adelice.. I will save you... Lelouch anger boiled inside him as he watched Adelice hide her face from the man that had hit her. Nina screamed and cowered in fear as when she saw Adelice get hit. Shirley winced and looked away from them, turning her green eyes toward the other men around her.

Milly glared at the man who had hit Adelice but didn't say anything.The woman reporter continued her report. "The leader of the group is identified as Lieutenant Colonel Kusakabe of the Japan Liberation Front.".

Lelouch frowned at how ignorant they were being, they were going about it all the wrong way. He would have to find a way to do this carefully. A way that he could get the Student Council and Adelice to a safe location but without making Adelice suspicious of his actions.

Even with the mask and outfit, Adelice knew him very well and he couldn't help but feel a pang of fear that she might catch subtle actions of mannerisms that he did. Lelouch frowned deeply, but he couldn't just not save her and the rest of the Student Council. It seemed that it was just a chance he was going to have to take.


Adelice's cheek burned from where the man had hit her. Tears slowly welled up in her eyes but she didn't dare look up at the man and give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had made her cry. She held back her tears and let her hair fall in front of her face to cover her sad expression.

She frowned as she heard Nina and Shirley start to cry.

She could hear people whispering around her as footsteps could be heard coming from the hallway. A man with brown eyes and hair stepped in to the room that they were being held in. Adelice's blue eyes fixed on him, he was definitely Japanese... which meant that this was a retaliation against Britannia.

Two other men were around him, both holding guns in their hands. "You may all lower your arms.", he said, a devious smirk playing on his lips.

Adelice looked out of the corner of her eye as Nina and Shirley embraced each other, finding comfort in each others embrace. Adelice frowned and looked at Milly, her eyes filled with sadness.

Milly gave a weak smile back at her and gently took Adelice's hand. She smiled back and squeezed Milly's hand as they both turned back to look at the man who tapped his sheathed sword against the tile floor.

"I'm Kusakabe of the Japan Liberation Front. This stand we are taking is for the freedom of Japan and our countrymen.", the man said, glaring at all of them.

Adelice felt her heart fall, her suspicions had been correct whether this man was going to hurt them was different.

"Even though you aren't soldiers, you are still Britannians! You are the ones that rule and oppress us!", he continued.

Adelice could hear Nina held on tighter to Shirley and whimper in fear as the man continued talking. "Sit still, be quiet and you'll be fine. If you don't there will be serious consequences! So behave!", Kusakabe said angrily. Adelice squeezed Milly's hand again and glared at the man in front of her.


Lelouch balled his hand into a fist tightly, he was sure his knuckles were white under his gloves. He had no way of telling if Adelice was safe or not. What they were not doing or doing to her. He had no way of telling whether his friends were alright. Were any of them hurt? Badly hurt? ... Alive? He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He slowly pulled it out, looking at the name on the caller ID. Rivalz... Lelouch felt his heart fall a little. He couldn't answer the phone right now no matter how much he desperately wanted to. He quickly sent the call to voice-mail and slipped his phone back into his pocket. Grinding his teeth together he closed his eyes, knowing that Rivalz saw what he had seen on the news.

Storms of the Heart [Code Geass Fanfiction; LelouchXOC]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें