Chapter 2: An Immortal Ally

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3955 BBY

An Immortal Ally

Chapter II

The elder woman stands in the Academy's Core with her apprentice, both shrouded in those dark energies, celebrating the defeat of Revan's four years empire next ruled by his apprentice who assumed the command, Darth Malak.

And now it was their turn to grip the galaxy into darkness.

"The two of us and a 'small' fraction of Revan's warriors will not be enough to defeat the Jedi and the Republic. We need legions to follow my command."

The man in a black robe with hooded face asked intrigued about it,

"And how'll we do that, Master?",

Traya imagined a world where the dark side has run very strong, and continues to do so. It was a symbolic world of the Sith Order: a living manifestation of corruption and death. And only the most tainted ones would endure its atmosphere for long terms. 

Korriban. The world where the most wicked Sith kings and lords ruled this planet with an iron fist and utter devotion to the individual's innermost dark desires. It had also served as the birthplace of the first Sith Lords, who were in fact a rogue band of fallen Jedi exiled from their homes due to their different perception regarding the nature of The Force. 

Traya resumed the dialogue with her apprentice, "Betrayed by Malak and brainwashed by the Jedi, Revan was tasked by the Jedi Council to head Korriban, home planet to the darkest Lords, as well their birthplace."

"There, Revan had the mission to destroy the Sith Academy by earning its Headmaster Uthar Wynn's trust; Uthar was deceived and ultimately destroyed by Revan."

"With the Headmaster's death, the students fought for his title, before eventually destroying themselves."

Though, Nihilus remembered that Revan had been once a Sith,

"Was my training in vain, after all Revan was but one of them."

The old woman laughed, amused by his childish statement,

"No, not even close to the truth, Nihilus.",

"What do you mean with that, Master?", he was disturbed by her abrupt answer,

"Revan was a prodigal knight who had used their identity and power to reshape the Republic, according to his own vision, to prepare the galaxy for the True Sith. In essence, he never adhered to their code."

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