{jjk} captivated (1) [f]

Start from the beginning

"is she dead?"
"namjoonie-hyung is this a western thing?"
"see, she knows what she's doing."
"shush, yoongi-ah."

foreign words reached your ears - it sounded... korean? ah, this must be that kpop band. you had heard about them, who hadn't? but didn't get the chance to meet them at the last bbmas. opening one eye, you turned to look at them, albeit sideways. your right hand, which was previously draped around shawn's shoulder, lifted in a lazy wave.


the boys stayed blank for a few seconds, blinking owlishly at you. it's only when you moved to stand on your own two feet did they stir. the tallest one stepped forward, arms out to greet shawn.

"hey shawn, nice to see you again." they gave each other a friendly hug, before the other boys moved to say hi to shawn too.

"it's really good to see you guys as well, how have you been?" you stood at the side, watching the exchange, with a bored look on your face, before you sensed it. turning your head in the direction of the stare, you locked eyes with one of the members. his eyes were round and wide, suiting his also round nose and thin lips. they were slightly parted, revealing his large front teeth, reminding you of a bunny.


a smirk fell on your face as you caught him staring. his chocolate eyes widened more, if possible, and he quickly averted his gaze, a red hue floating onto his bronze cheeks.

"guys, this is (y/n), you might know her by her stage name, aliah. she's performing tomorrow, so make sure you watch out for her, even though she's not hard to miss." he mumbled that last part so only you could hear, and you retaliated by pinching his toned arm. letting out a yelp, he jumped away from you and rubbed his stinging skin.

acting like nothing happened, you stayed facing the boys, smiling softly as you received a chorus of hello's and hi's.

"it's nice to meet you guys," stepping forward you shook their hands as they told you their names. as you reached last of them, you found yourself looking back into those sparkling eyes.

you could see the shock on his face, as he realised you were tall, slightly taller than him, but you couldn't decipher his thoughts on it.

"h-hello, i'm jungkook." he stuttered nervously, trying to avoid looking in your direction. his accent was so cute, you couldn't help smile at it.

he saw this and felt his cheeks heat up again, you were really beautiful. "hi jungkook, are you guys excited to perform?" you stared at him abashedly, not trying to hide your attraction.

another boy came to join you, he had the brightest smile, and red hair. hoseok, was it?
"yeah, billboard awards yeah, so exciting!"

laughing at his antics, you made some more small talk before they were told by one of their managers that it was time for them to go to the auditorium.

"see you tomorrow lads." you and shawn waved goodbye, then made your way back to your hotel for a good nights sleep.

✧  ✧  ✧

the next time jungkook saw you was at the awards show. the two hours or so went by, he sat and talked with his hyungs, watching the opening performances. but as soon as he started getting bored, the awards were staring to be announced. a few presentations later, he could feel himself perk up when he heard your stage name called out for an award, female artist.

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