Mingi | Dreamland

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You were laying on your bed just scrolling through your phone looking at photos of ateez, as you were about to log out, you got an update saying that ateez posted a picture. You open up twitter and saw Mingi updated.

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You're heart stopped beating and you felt your face go red you retweeted and like the photo and put your phone and went to sleep

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You're heart stopped beating and you felt your face go red you retweeted and like the photo and put your phone and went to sleep.


You stood there standing in front of Mingi, you looked up at him and smile. He was holding your hands while his face was light pink.

"(y/n) I know this is probably really sudden but will you date me" Mingi said.

"I would love too" you said smiling at him.

He smile as well and then leaned down and kissed you.

"you know no one can ever compare to you," Mingi said then pulled you into a hug with his chin on your head.

"and no one can compare to you," you said while blushing, then hiding your face into chest.

"(y/n) I-I think I Lo-" Mingi said but everything went away in a flash and the sound of your alarm woke up you.

You groaned and rolled over to shut it off.

"why do you always have to interrupt the good parts of my dreams," you said to no one in particular.

You decided to get dressed and get ready even though you have nothing to do so you decided make breakfast. You were sitting down eating while watching TV when all of a sudden ateez popped up saying there going to be going to the US for some concerts. Which sadden you a bit but you knew they were grown worldwide and you supported them no matter what.

It wasn't even 12pm and you were all ready feeling tired so you decided to take a nap, so you went room and got underneath the blankets and went to sleep.

"Mingi, why do you like me?" you asked Mingi as you guys we're lying on the lounge together.

"mmmm well...i like the way you're eyes shine when you talking about something you like or really enjoy, I love how when you smile you get these cute little lines near your eyes. I love how when ever you say something about you, you always blush and I love it when I cuddle into you and you that you always snuggle into me. Which I find adorable..and I could go on..." Mingi said to you which made you blush about what he was saying about you.

"But (Y/N) you do know this is all a dream right" Mingi said out of the blue, you sighed but nodded your head

"yes, I do know this is all a dream and I understand that, it will never happen in real life and I accept that as long as I have my dreams I am fine with that" you said to Mingi and you start to see him fade away

"but (Y/N) I do love you" Mingi said and that's the last thing, you heard before you woke up.

You didn't even notice you were crying in your sleep, you wiped your tears and smiled because you knew it was just all a fantasy. And you only had your dreamland with all your fantasy dreams and you were okay with that. As long as you got to see him in your dreams that's all you needed.

"I wish to you see you one day though mingi" you whispered to yourself

"but you will" you heard someone whisper back and that scared you but didn't scare you at the same time because it was Mingi's voice and you knew it was just all in your head.

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