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The next morning, Lucy and Sofía were sound asleep in her old bedroom

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The next morning, Lucy and Sofía were sound asleep in her old bedroom. Lucy's head rest atop a pink jumbled up blanket rather than a pillow, using the four she owned to surround a cribless Sofía. As soon as her body hit the mattress, she was knocked out. That night was the first in almost a year that she wasn't waiting for or waking up to a drunk Brody. The lack of someone slurring and tumbling through the room was heaven sent.

She felt relieved when she saw her room was left in the same condition as four years ago. The light blue walls stayed preserved behind a locked bedroom door and nothing was moved or touched over the course of her absence, minus the constant vacuuming and dusting done by her mom. It was like a specific part of her life had been frozen in time and she was just now returning to it. Except she wasn't. That chapter was closed and locked with the key thrown away. She couldn't alter the past, but what the 19 year old could do - for the future of her and her daughter - is just try.

Sofía had begun to thrash in her sleep, shaking the bed ever so slightly. Lucy's eyes flew open when a slow and drawn out cry erupted from right next to her ear. The baby had her hands up to her blue eyes while tears cascaded down her face.

"Shh.." A half-asleep Lucy cooed, weakly picking up the pacifier that was near Sofía's side. Trying to give it back was hopeless. She spit it right out and continued to wail. Lucy rolled over face down into the edge of a pillow, letting out an exhausted groan.

"Okay, okay, no llores." She muttered, hair tie between her lips and hands working to put her bed head into a ponytail.

The wide awake four month old was cradled in her mother's arms soon after. One half of Lucy's shirt was pulled up to expose her chest to which Sofía happily helped herself to. Her blue eyes stared at the face above her, lifting up a tiny hand to touch wherever she could. Lucy used her free hand to caress Sofía's small, soft face. These priceless moments meant everything to Lucy.

In the middle of admiring her creation, Lucy's phone vibrated on the bedside table. The lock screen lit up with a text from a number she didn't have saved.

7:08 am
we just got back
where the fuck are you
and the baby?

Staring at the screen like a deer in the headlights, she watched the three dots bounce in the chat bubble. Lucy knew exactly who it was.

7:10 am
are you a fucking idiot
unknown (37)
7:32 am
missed calls
7:34 am
you think this is funny?
who the fuck do you think you are pulling this shit
7:35 am
i know you can see these
stop being a dumb bitch
answer me
fucking pathetic

The sudden bombardment of his presence felt trance-like almost. She read every text and declined every call for twenty relentless minutes. Everything about it disgusted her beyond belief. He was worse in person, no doubt, but his voice was etched into her brain. She could hear the messages like he was yelling them in her face.

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