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"I don't understand the problem

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"I don't understand the problem. It's just a party."

"That's the problem. It's a party."

Lucy pulled in her bottom lip and let out a elongated sigh. Elle, through FaceTime, could see the visibly anxious girl begin to work herself up. Lucy had always been good at that, so she did what she always does when it got to be too much: call her best friend. And when she called her in the middle of the night, knowing she had a midterm the following morning, Elle knew something was wrong.

Elle stifled a yawn, shuffling underneath the white blanket that acted like a hood over her head. "Okay..but I still don't see why you're nervous."

"Because I shouldn't even be here. Sofía.."

" with your grandma who was kind enough to watch her for the night. What's the big deal? She's safe."

"That's not what I meant." Lucy groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. She shut her eyes for a moment, resisting the urge to scream.

No one understood why she didn't want to be here, parked underneath a flickering streetlight across from a house party. Hell, she wasn't sure she knew, either. Something just felt off.

Maybe it was the fact that the last party she went to, she met the devil himself. Or maybe it was that she spent the last year and a half sheltered away and forgot how to "have fun". Or the guilt of leaving her kid to go out was catching up to her. Whatever it is, being in this setting, she couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water.

Sensing Elle's annoyance, Lucy shook her head and grabbed her phone off the mount. "I'm just gonna let you go back to sleep. Sorry for waking you."

"No, bitch, hold up," Elle perked up, throwing the cover off and reaching over to turn her lamp on, "I might be a little grumpy but I'm not going back to sleep. What's really bothering you?"

Lucy brought her thumb up to her mouth, chewing on the white polished nail. "I don't know, I just feel shitty about this. I barely saw Sof today and now I'm going out rather than spending tonight with her."

"It's just one night."

"But still, this doesn't feel right."

Elle halfheartedly rolled her brown eyes. "Well, no duh. It won't feel like the best thing ever since she's a baby."


"Wait, let me finish. That doesn't mean it's wrong to go out every once in a while, especially with the shit you've had to deal with lately."

"She's barely six months, though. I get the whole taking time for myself thing but..she's too little. I miss too much as it is with my stupid ass schedule."

"Girl, you're worrying way too much right now. You don't get like this when you're busting your ass at that Mexican place."

"Because, Elle, when I'm working I'm being a responsible mother and doing something to support my kid. But this..I just feel so irresponsible."

belong to you ⫸ OSCAR DIAZOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora