Log 13:The Hydra

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Summary: The Hydra or Hydra of Lerna was a Greek mythical beast slain by the hero Herakles and his lover Iolaus, known for its ability to grow two more heads whenever one was chopped off. The son of the two abominable beasts, Typhon and Echidna.

Behavior and Powers: The Hydra was raised by Hera herself to slay Herakles. Unlike the popular Disney retelling, Hera was not the mother of this titular hero and in fact hated him. The Hydra therefore had only one purpose in life, to kill Herakles, but sadly he wasn't even good for that. The Hydra's breath is said to be so poisonous that you could drop dead from the fumes, its blood also a thick poison. When one head was chopped off of its neck, two more would grow in it's place.

Legends: Young Herakles has been sent by a certain king to complete a series of trials, the second one being the slaying of the Hydra. Wicked Hera smiled down upon this event, as she counted on Herakles' death by the serpent. Off Herakles went, accompanied by his lover Iolaus to the lake of Lerna, where the beast dwelled. Herakles was at first full of courage, shooting his arrows into the beast's lair and then confronting him head on with all manner of weapons. But his actions seemed all for naught, as each time he lobbed a head from the creature, two more grew in place. "Iolaus," Herakles said to the smaller, much more fragile man, "Run away, I can't have you getting killed!I'm sorry, I thought this would be easy, but I was wrong." Iolaus shook his head, yelling out that he could never abandon his brave companion. He ran to Herakles' side, grabbing his arm and pulling him back as one of the writhing heads attempted to take a bite of him. Herakles slashed at the offender, the head falling to the ground. Before the serpent could act, Iolaus ran forward and burned the stump of its neck, the skin sizzling as the other heads hissed in pain. Hera gasped from her throne on Olympus, she couldn't let them win, she needed to kill this disgusting, illegitimate son. She sent a crab into the mortal realm, hoping for it to distract Herakles enough to get him killed by pinching or tripping him. The gargantuan man only stepped on the crab, cracking it in its shell as he and Iolaus dealt with the other heads. In but a few minutes, both creatures were dead. Iolaus cheered,throwing his arms around Herakles' neck and embracing him. Herakles smiled down at him, hugging him tightly and thanking him before moving over to the deceased serpent's body. Hera scowled deeply before settling back in her shining throne. She would get him yet. After all, she knew what would hurt him most. After this fateful battle, the crab and the Hydra were put into the sky as constellations by Hera. Cancer and Hydra.

Known Weaknesses: Burning the skin on the neck stump before letting its heads grow back will keep them from multiplying.

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