Log 1:The Dullahan

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Summary: The Dullahan (Pronounced "DULL-ah-han", think hand without the d.) is a monster from Irish legend, although it is actually considered a fairy! It is an "Unseelie " kind of fairy, meaning that it is a type of fairy that will and wants to harm human beings for sport. This particular one likes to ride around at night, searching for humans to snatch up and carry off to oblivion. It may have been the inspiration for the Headless Horseman, as this fairy also rides on a horse and carries around it's own head. The Dullahan is usually male, but a female variation has become very popular lately.

Behavior and powers: The Dullahan trots around the countryside on its ghastly horse, holding its head that smiles on its own as it thinks about the damage it will inflict this night. This fairy never speaks to anyone, but when it senses that a person is about to die, it will call out their name and then gallop onward to catch the soul and take it away. If you are unlucky enough to find yourself out at night while the Dullahan is roaming, he will call your name and chase after you. In other versions of the legend, if he calls your name you will automatically drop dead. Fun! The Dullahan is said to have a whip made of human spinal cords, all stolen from its victims. It is also said to chase one person at a time, if there happen to be any onlookers that the Dullahan passes by, it will splash them with the blood of all of the people it has killed, possibly blinding that onlooker for daring to watch it hunt.

Known weaknesses: Like all fairies, the Dullahan is weak to or afraid of metal. But not any metal, it is only weak to pure gold. If you somehow find yourself being chased by the Dullahan on a dark path at night, simply throw a piece of gold behind you as you sprint as fast as your little mortal legs can carry you. The Dullahan will not be able to pass the metal, and will instead gallop away. You will be safe for another night.

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