Log 2:The Gashadokuro

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Summary: The Gashadokuro (Pronounced Gah-shah-dough-koo-row) is a type of Yōkai, a Japanese spirit acting in ways ranging from funny, to mischievous and annoying, to downright dangerous and harmful. This one is the harmful kind. This giant skeleton roams at night like most other Yōkai, searching for humans to feast on.

Behavior and Powers: This Yōkai's name means" Starving Skeleton", so it's no surprise that it is constantly looking out for humans to devour. It is said that this Yōkai is made when about one hundred  or more people die, usually because of war or famine, and are not given the proper funeral. The angry spirits of these people become consumed with malice, and all join together to form this lumbering, famished skeleton. It only travels at night, and it does not get tired. If it is making its way towards you, you will hear a distinct ringing in your ears. You will also hear the rattling of its bones.Gasha-Gasha , Gasha-Gasha , is supposedly what that rattling sounds like. Though I suppose you wouldn't really notice the ringing since it's not that hard to notice a skeleton the size of the Eiffel Tower following you. If the Gashadokuro catches you, it will pick you up, bite your head off, and drink the blood that comes gushing out; then it will eat the rest of you. Don't ask me how a skeleton drinks and eats. Let's just call it Japanese magic.

Known Weaknesses: The Gashadokuro is invincible, no weapon or force can break its seemingly brittle bones. The only thing that can truly stop a Gashadokuro is the holy light of the sun, then it will either go back into hiding for the next night or simply fall apart and dissolve like a bath bomb. Either way, it's good news for you if you're being chased by one. But if you find that the Sun Goddess is still napping, the only thing you can do is hide or keep running until she finally decides to wake up. And unless you can run for hours on end or turn invisible, your chances for survival are pretty slim if it comes down to that.

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