Chapter 32

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The hospital room became a familiarity at this point since you had been there for several days, and it looked like you'd be staying there for several days longer. You had been informed that due to the increasing amount of side effects you had been experiencing you had to stay in the hospital for at least 2 weeks so they could keep an eye on you.

It wasn't all bad though; over the days you had become more friendly with Ash. They would tell you stories of the mischief you got into together - that helped to pass the time - and you could see why you would have been friends with them. They just seemed to understand you and care about you with no doubt. The other good aspect was that Jimin would come to see you as often as he could. You enjoyed his company a lot, even if you didn't end up speaking much.

However, you had noticed that for the past few days he seemed very on edge and nervous, but when you asked what was wrong he would just pass it off as stress from work. You thought you could just ignore it since you didn't want to cross a barrier he wasn't comfortable sharing, though it was starting to get very suspicious. You were expecting Jimin to come visit you soon - which you were looking forward to - and you hoped to maybe find out what was bothering him.

You eventually saw the familiar figure of Jimin gently breeze into your room - his head looking down at his phone until he saw you. You both smiled at each other as he sat on the chair beside you, and then you noticed that he had brought something with him. 

"I- um...I brought this for you." He reached into the bag and pulled out a familiar piece of clothing, your eyes widened slightly as you realised what it was, "I know you told me not to buy clothes for you but think of it as a gift rather than a replacement." You held the hoodie in your hands - outstretching your arms in front of you to look at it properly.

"Now we can match." He said as he gestured to the hoodie he was wearing himself.

"Thank you, Jimin!" You said with a sweet smile, "I'll definitely wear this more than I wore that one, for sure."

You and jimin chatted for a while - you listened to how his day was - simply enjoying what he said, and then he asked about your day. Your features began to sadden.

"Is it getting worse?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Every time I get results back from my homework it seems to be worse. My grades have fallen so much that I might have to re-do the year," you could feel your eyes start to sting as you thought about it, "I try so hard to answer it correctly - and they keep making the questions easier - but I just do not get it like I used to...It's like my brain is deteriorating."

Jimin held on to your hand that rest on the side of the bed, you tried to hold back the emotions as best you could.

After you eventually calmed down the both of you began to chat a again, though, Jimin seemed to be acting strange. He kept looking at his phone, then at the clock, then back at his phone. He kept doing this between sentences and his features grew increasingly nervous and worn out.

You began to worry about him - was he obsessing over something? Did he have to be somewhere? How was his mental health? So, you decided this was the best time to ask, "Jimin?" His attention was immediately drawn back to you as you spoke, "Are you alright? You can tell me, you know?You've been acting suspicious this whole time, and for the past few days, it's scaring me a little."

You saw his mouth open and close repeatedly as he tried to form an excuse. You raised your eyes in expectation.

He let out a sharp sigh as he planted his head in his hand for a few seconds before looking back up at you. Your heart sank as you saw his eyes red and glistening with emotion.

"Y/N, I've lied to you. I've been lying to you for a long time."

You were a little lost for words but managed to mutter a response, "Lying about what?"

"Well, lying is probably not the best word. It's more like I've not told you everything," he tried to explain. You stayed silent but showed that you were ready for him to continue, "The day you told me to leave your house, when I told you I had a feeling I was going to make things worse for you: That was true but I didn't tell you why I felt like that," he took a deep breath, "You know when we first met? When I first saw you in this hospital all those days ago? That's when I started seeing it. It was like thousands of memories came back at once." You saw the look in his face turn to horror and despair.

"I've seen you die," He managed to choke out, "I've seen your life end thousands of times and I've seen you in so much pain. Every time I tried to save you, you would die in any other way. I've seen it replayed so many times that I can recall the exact moments that something will happen," you saw a little bit of composure return to him, "But for some reason, somehow, against all odds, this time around you survived. And then I had to fuck it up by putting my number in your locker just because I couldn't bare to be without you."

You were lost for words. You didn't know how to react or what to say, so you just kept listening and thinking.

"I think...I think my nightmares were real. Meaning, actually real, and I don't know if you believe me but what I am telling you is absolutely the truth." Jimin finally took a long breath - swallowing since his mouth had become dry.

He looked at your face to try and understand what you were thinking. You spent a few minutes in silence to try and collect your thoughts and think everything over.

And then you finally spoke up, "Jimin, in all honesty, that sounds like an impossible story...However, with how my life has been going for the past few weeks I would not second guess that as the truth," You both shared a serious understanding look, "At this point I will believe any reason for this mess."

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