Chapter 11

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Your eyelids groggily slid open as you ungracefully woke from your sleep, you twisted your body to look at the clock beside your bed and realised you had slept in two hours longer than usual. A sudden wave of panic rushed through you, but it quickly faded as you realised it was Friday - your day off. You slumped back into a comfortable position as you stared at the ceiling, that half a second of panic was enough to wake you up completely so there was no point in trying to get back to sleep. Your mind was empty for a few minutes, until the sound of your phone buzzing pulled you back into reality.

You picked up your phone to see what the notification was. Your eyes bulged with surprise - so many notifications - and all from Jimin? As you tapped on the notification you could only wonder what the reason was for so many messages. It felt like your phone was purposely taking way longer to load just to make you panic more.

Good morning, Y/N!

Are you not awake yet?

Ah that's ok

I just wanted to check up on you

There was a time gap leading to the next message.

Hey Y/N!

Do you want to see my outfit for today?

As you scrolled down you saw an image that was in fact Park Jimin of BTS. It was a little surprising to see it in your messages since you usually only saw pictures of the members of BTS, and other kpop groups, in your social media feed.

What do you think?

Cute, right?

Another time gap.


I want to chat to you soon

Let me know when you're awake, OK?

A sigh of relief left your lungs as a smile grew on your face. You were a little taken back by how friendly he was suddenly being. Was it because the unknown gap between you had closed a little? You couldn't complain though; he really did have a sweet boy-like charm to him - it was almost dorky.

Good morning


You're awake!

Yes haha

Sorry I wasn't able to reply. I don't have any classes today so I slept in

That's ok, I'm just glad to hear from you

How was your night?

Ah well

That's kind of one of the reasons I wanted to chat with you

You repositioned yourself so you were now sat up in bed with your legs crossed and the quilt draped over your lap.

What happened??

I kind of had another nightmare

Your heart dropped. If he was still having nightmares it could mean that it wasn't over.

I didn't want to tell you until you were up so you didn't get worried

I'm sorry

There's no need to apologise!

Do whatever is most comfortable for you

Do you want to talk about what happened?

If that's OK?

Of course it is

Well I guess I should start with what is most stuck in my head right now

I finally got a good look at the girl that has been in the nightmares

And I'm wondering if..

I think I get what you mean.. Go ahead and describe her

I can only give a vague description since dreams are a little hard to remember sometimes

Of course, just tell me what you can recall

Alright, well

She had ____ hair and ____ eyes. She seemed to be roughly _'_" tall, if I'm remembering correctly, and her skin tone was ____

You paused for a few minutes in shock as you read those words.


I'm here. I'm just..

Even though that's a vague description that is exactly the vague description needed to describe me

Even though there's no guarantee that I am the one you're seeing in your nightmares it's still a scary possibility

I know..

Is there anything else you can remember that you want to share?

Yes. It's a little weird though. And I'm not sure if it was just the effects of being in a dream or not but I feel like it's worth mentioning

What is it?

When I'm trying to save the uh.. The girl or you or whatever

You are never paying attention to me

You're always in your phone even when I talk to you

When I'm warning you of something you look down at your phone and that's when you avoid the hazard

The most obvious thing that came to mind is that this could be related to the fact that you were receiving messages when being helped through these issues - you told Jimin of this and he agreed that it could be a possibility.

Thank you for sharing that all with me

Of course!

We're a team now

We've gotta figure this out soon

You smiled once again. It was amazing how Jimin could lighten up a situation so fast - it was just another one of his talents. Though, you were still worried of the possibility that you would start receiving unknown messages again, you just hoped it would all just end soon.

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