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RAGE BURNED through Steven's glowing white eyes as he stared down Rose who hovered in the sky above. Rose smiled excitedly as she saw this, her breath baited as she thought of how she could use his power to her advantage when Steven suddenly vanished!

"What?" Rose squinted and looked around when Steven appeared in front of her and impaled her with a photon spear he conjured!

Rose spat out blood as the blade drove through her and Steven dismissed the weapon, striking her hard in the head with a kick that hurtled her down into the face of a mountain below! Pearl watched in concern as Steven chased after Rose, then frowned as she felt the earth shake beneath her, turning her attention to Jasper who lay nearby.

Rose pushed broken boulders aside as she emerged from the hole in the mountain, quickly healing her wound and tensing up as Steven flew at her. She summoned her shield and prepared to defend herself when she felt the wind get knocked out of her as an invisible force hit her in the gut and carved her further into the rocks!

Steven flew over the Gem as he overwhelmed her with a telepathic barrage and he shot down toward her, grabbing her face and smashing her onto the ground! He stood over her and charged energy through his fist when Rose knocked him back with a powerful aura that burst out of her body, summoning magic circles in her hands and conjuring four light cannons around her that fired a torrent of laser blasts at him!

Steven sped downward, cutting through the lasers like nothing, and he coated his fists in energy, teleporting behind the pink Gem and punching her in the back, driving her deep into the ground! He dove into the hole and made chase as Rose fell through the soil, catching herself and summoning Gaia vines that sped toward Steven like roots!

Cranking his arm back, Steven chucked an energy ball with a punch, burning through the photon tendrils and creating explosions above ground that tore through the earth! Amethyst, Connie and Lion watched over Prasiolite's body on the surface, wondering whether she was still alive when they saw the series of eruptions barreling up to them, barely getting out of the way in time to see Rose blown into the air by the blasts and Steven flying after her!

"Steven?" Connie raised her brow and chased after the two with Amethyst and Lion following her.

Rose steadied herself in midair and saw the boy charging at her, conjuring an energy mace that she swung at him! Steven smacked the weapon aside and punched her in the stomach with so much force that it sent out powerful shockwaves that nearly blew the Gems off their feet hundreds of meters below!

Steven grabbed Rose by her hair and smashed his knee into her face, drawing blood, and he spun her around by one arm, flinging her to the earth below! Seeing her crash to the earth, the boy screamed out in rage and raised his arms to the sky, forming a gigantic sphere of energy several meters wide from his palms that outshone the moon and caused an intense heat around him!

Shrinking the energy into a small ball in his right hand, Steven flew after Rose and shoved the blast into her gut, driving her into the earth and causing a gigantic explosion that went several feet into the air! Connie, Amethyst and Lion stopped as the blast spread out toward them and were knocked back by the aftershock, sending them flying back!

Rose spat out blood and coughed severely as the smoke diminished around them, Steven rising to his feet and standing over her as the two were inside a huge crater. The woman wheezed as her dress was torn apart and her body was covered in cuts and burns, trying to get her bearings when Steven grabbed her by the hair, holding her head up and clenching his free hand into a fist.

Rose opened her eyes to see Steven go for the finishing blow and the Gem slammed her hand onto the ground, summoning an energy tube that stabbed him in the back! Steven stumbled forward and moved to rip out the vine when the tube yanked him back, driving further into him and drawing out blood, throwing him aside like a ragdoll!

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