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"anne, i'm sure. i will see you for you new york city concert next month." marilla kissed her head. "you and gilbert have been here for weeks. rachel will take care of me!" anne gave her one final hug before marilla went straight to gilbert for a hug. "and you, take care of her."

he smiled. "always have, always will." they boarded the plane, holding hands. "hey guys, this is my super cool girlfriend who plays the ukulele." he zoomed in on her face as she hid it. "we missed you guys so much! anyway we are going back to los angeles for a) anne's amazing concert, which you should buy tickets for! links in the description! and b) the vlog bois are shooting a new series coming out in two months! stay tuned!" anne knew about this. another few months without gilbert. all she could do was grip his hand tighter and kiss it. he turned the camera off and put his head on her shoulder.

"i can't believe we have to spend another month apart." she pouted. he touched her face which brought back a smile. "i really do love you but i am exhausted so goodnight." 

diana and cole were waiting at the gate for the lovely couple. "SHIRLEY CURLY! I MISSED YOU!" they were engulfed in each other's arms. "how's the happy couple? can i just say, i knew you two were going to date." 

"don't let your head get too big, diana." cole chuckled. "c'mon the car is waiting." they filled into the uber going to gilbert's house. the lights were off in the house and everyone was hiding to surprise the pair. they got a scare out of both of them before attacking them with hugs. willow and autumn were the first to greet them. they congregated to the backyard to make s'mores and play music. everyone badgered anne and cole to sing a new song of their album, which they did. anne played a few more songs before everyone jumped into the gigantic pool. gilbert pulled anne in and they splashed each other until ethan picked anne up and threw her. the group laughed and sang in the pool like nothing bad could ever happen. but it all hit anne suddenly that she wouldn't be with gilbert for a few months. he could clearly see something was wrong and kissed her cheek.

"we're going to be okay." he whispered. she jumped in his arms and ran her fingers through his wet curls. they just floated until everyone began to get out to dry. they said their goodbyes and left the couple alone. tomorrow would be their last day together. anne hoped in the shower while gilbert cleaned his room. she wore his big robe and a white towel on her head. "magnificent! who are you wearing?" he pretended to hold up a microphone.

she twirled around, striking a pose. "gilbert blythe's bathroom collection! white on white!" she jumped on his bed next to him, holding his arm. "i don't want to leave this! i don't want to leave you!" he got up and left the room, coming back with a box.

"i wanted to give you this later but i feel like now is the appropriate time." in the yellow box was a familiar looking flower but made into a necklace. the ones in avonlea. she teared up looking at it. "a piece of home and me." he knelt in front of her. 

she took him in her arms and kissed him. "my loverboy." they both laid down only this time in each other's arms. "you make it so hard to leave you. please try and visit!"

"anything for you." they fell asleep in each other's arms to be awoken by cole and diana. they had to drive to the bus that was taking them. it brought horrid flashbacks of clark. leaving her all the time to probably cheat and his bandmates trying to get at her. but all the pain went away as she looked into her lover's brown eyes. "you ready?"

she gave him the most passionate kiss. jumping up onto him and bringing her legs around his torso. they broke away and leaned on each other's heads. "i love you, loverboy. forever and always."

he kissed her nose. "forever and always." they kissed once more before she had to get onto the bus. she waved from the window and blew a kiss. the bus sped away as she held onto the necklace she was given from her loverboy.


(ʟᴏᴠᴇʀʙᴏʏ!)//sʜɪʀʙᴇʀᴛTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon