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"gilly bear." willow stood in the kitchen, flipping through her script. she was able to come home for a few days before having to go back to philadelphia. "can you read the part of 'max' for me?" her brown hair was in a messy bun and she wore one of gilbert's sweatshirts.

"baby, i have to edit this video. give me like fi-"

"ugh, whatever." she threw the script onto the counter and sat next to him. "i feel like you spend way too much time of these dumb videos." she wrapped her arms around him.

"hey, maybe after i'm done editing this video we can go out? we can go to the beach!" he kissed her cheek.

"i can't today. autumn and i are hanging out." he rolled his eyes. it's always her and autumn. "but maybe tomorrow?" he nodded and kissed her. a beep was heard from outside and willow ran out of the house, not even saying goodbye. he sighed and rubbed his eyes. he hasn't slept in what feels like hours. yesterday, him and clark filmed all night. the night before, he had an interview with some magazine and a meeting with the people who make his merchandise. it seems like all he does is go to meetings and edit. he just wants some alone time.

ding. a youtube notification. anne shirley-cuthbert has uploaded a new video: bellyache//ukulele cover. a small smile crept onto his face. just what he needed on his stressful day. he played it through his speaker while he made dinner for himself. all of his worries went away with only a few strums of a ukulele and her calming voice.

he ate his dinner and scrolled through twitter. "gilbert blythe news." he laughed. an image of him and anne popped up with the words "collab?" across it. he smiled thinking of collabing with her. he typed a quick reply saying he's down. it probably would never happen. right?

days have past since the day gilbert blythe, one of the biggest youtubers, said he was a fan of anne's videos

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days have past since the day gilbert blythe, one of the biggest youtubers, said he was a fan of anne's videos. her youtube channel has since became very popular. even in school she was getting recognized. she came home from school and planned out her upcoming videos and uploading a new one. the people wanted more so she gave them more. it was a little stressful but they were her fans.

as the day went on she watched one of gilbert's videos with his girlfriend. she was so pretty and probably the sweetest girl. "one more video couldn't hurt-" gilbertblythe mentioned you in a tweet: she couldn't see the rest of the notification so she clicked on it. "c-collab!?" she basically screamed. quickly, she replied. it probably wouldn't happen but it would be so much fun if it did!

i'm soo sorry it's so boring rn but i promise it'll get better by the next chapter!! i hate introducing everything bc it takes so long:/ anyway stay tuned:)

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i'm soo sorry it's so boring rn but i promise it'll get better by the next chapter!! i hate introducing everything bc it takes so long:/ anyway stay tuned:)

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