3. Naruto's Voice

496 23 15

Act 3.

The year was 1996 and Kushina was pregnant....Minato was the Hokage and thing was about to get compilacted. 

Kushina walked down the street carrying a small bag of groceries and on her way she met the first lady of the Uchiha household. She was holding a new born baby boy with black hair and dark eyes that were closes and he was swaddled in a white blanket. 

The two ladies bowed as they met each other; and their conversation started.

"Awww he's so cute >.<" Kushina said.

Itachi stood aside his mother looking up at his baby brother Sasuke.

"He's only three weeks now, still they will grow up so fast." Mikoto said, "I wish Sasuke couls stay little forever."

Kushina smiled.

"When are you going to give birth?" Mikoto asked. 

Kushina proudly cirlcled her stomach then she smiled at Mikoto and said, "October tenth my Naruto-chan will be born."

Mikoto simlied, "That's only two months away."

The two ladies finished off their conversation and left. Kushina walked towards the light of the sunset and waiting for her was Minato who was dressed in Hokage coat with a gentle smile on his face to greet her as they made their way to their little home.

In all the sounds of that night Minato heard the cry of his first and only child.

GakuAjisai: Hinata No Monogatari [Naruto FanFic]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें