Chapter 11

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Quinn sat in the gym watching the cheerios practice tearfully. Being on the squad had meant so much to her. Sue's words stung hard as she watched their routine. "I can't have a pregnant girl on my squad. You're bringing down our reputation. You're a disgrace". Sam approached Quinn sitting next to her. "I thought I'd find you here," Sam said as Quinn sighed laying her head on Sam's shoulder. "Why are you watching them when you know all it's going to do is hurt you?" Sam asked as Quinn sighed. "I need a good distraction," Quinn said honestly as she handed Sam an invitation. "What's this?" Sam asked confused. "An invite to dinner with my parents since my birthday is this weekend," Quinn sighed. "Well that shouldn't be so bad..." Sam began as Quinn shot him a look. "I've been trying to keep my pregnancy a secret from my dad for weeks. How are we going to get through a dinner together without him making reference to the chastity ball or how proud he is of me with all that I've accomplished," Quinn said emotionally. "I'm sure he just wants to make you feel special on your special day," Sam offered as Quinn sighed. "You're right...I'm just scared is all. I know your family knows and has been incredibly gracious about all of this but my dad isn't like them," Quinn said as Sam nodded understandingly as Quinn got up. "Where are you going?" Sam asked. "You're right. This does hurt too much," Quinn sighed as she left the gym wanting nothing more than for everything to be over.

Quinn and her mom Judy did their best to cover up Quinn's pregnancy, especially with her 17th birthday dinner coming up. "Are you sure this is the best option?" Quinn asked looking at herself in the mirror nervously. "I'm positive baby girl. Your father won't suspect a thing," Judy said seeming less and less confident as time went on. As Quinn's pregnant belly grew they knew it would become harder and harder to pretend like this wasn't happening. Judy and Quinn could only hope Russell wouldn't catch on before they came up with a plan to tell him the truth.

November 13th it was officially Quinn's birthday as she sat nervously at the dinner table holding Sam's hand. "I'd like to propose a toast," Russell smiled as he clinked his glass. "Daddy..." Quinn said shaking her head. "Russell and his famous toasts," Judy smiled as Russell stood up. "Quinnie, your mom and I want to tell you how proud we are of you. Not only has my girl won homecoming queen, she's captain of the cheerios, president of the celibacy club, and is a shoe in to be the queen of the chastity ball right darling?" Russell smiled to Judy. "Oh she is, she definitely is," Judy said trying to play off the loving and supportive wife role as best as she could. "I can't believe my little girl is almost an adult. Here's to you. For 17 years of making us proud and many more to come," Russell said as the Fabrays clinked glasses with Sam as Sam, Judy, and Quinn tried to hold themselves together not wanting her father to catch on that anything was wrong as they ate the dinner.

After dinner ended Quinn, Sam, and Judy were sitting in the living room chatting as Russell went to get more wine for him and his wife when he came across the mail that was addressed to his daughter, Quinn. He opened up the envelope confused, especially since it had come from a doctor's office that he hadn't heard of before.

"Dear Ms. Fabray," It read "Enclosed here is all the information you need to know about our adoption plans for your child. We also have sent you your latest sonogram photo as you requested. We hope to hear back from you soon." Russell's fury raged as he took the photo. His little girl was pregnant? How could she keep this from him. More importantly why would she keep it from him. Russell stormed into the living room and began to give Sam a beating. "DADDY!" Quinn exclaimed upset as Judy covered her mouth horrified as Sam put his hands up defensively. "WHAT MADE YOU THINK YOU HAD THE RIGHT TO DEFILE MY DAUGHTER?" Russell shouted enraged as Judy ushered him away from Sam bringing him to the couch "AND NOW YOU GOT HER PREGNANT!" Quinn teared up knowing this wasn't going to end well. Her father now knew the secret she had long since tried to keep from him.

"Russell...calm down," Judy said trying to get her husband's temper under control. "DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO CALM DOWN JUDY! THIS PUNK NEEDS TO BE TAUGHT A LESSON HE WON'T FORGET," Russell shouted as Judy stood in front of him trying to keep him away from Sam as Quinn sobbed. "Daddy please...Don't do this," Quinn said tearfully as Russell took a deep breath clearly trying to calm down. "You need to leave," Russell said to Sam under no uncertain terms. "Daddy can we talk about this? Sam is a good guy...he loves me," Quinn said emotionally. "You too," Russell shot at Quinn who looked stunned "Get the hell out of my house you disgraceful little slut." "Mrs. something please," Sam begged as Quinn shook her head. "Don't bother. If she wanted to do something she would have when she found out I was pregnant," Quinn said emotionally. "YOU KNEW?" Russell shot at Judy. "No. She didn't tell me anything," Judy said clearly lying. "But you knew. And I needed you. I needed my mom," Quinn said tearfully "And you were so scared of what he would do if he found out. You knew you had to pretend like it didn't exist just like every other bad feeling we have in this house. If you don't talk about it, it doesn't exist." "DO NOT TURN THIS ON US! YOU ARE THE DISAPPOINTMENT HERE!" Russell shouted at Quinn who let the tears fall down her face. "Why? Because I'm not a little girl anymore. Because I made a mistake?" Quinn asked emotionally as her father shook his head. "Who are you. I don't recognize you at all," Russell said in disbelief. "I'm your daughter who loves you. I know this must be so hard on you, I never meant to disappoint you or mom," Quinn said in between sobs "I just need my daddy to hold me and tell me everything's going to be okay."

Russell just stood there stunned at the revelation of what Quinn had done. He began to walk towards Quinn who seemed relieved thinking he was coming to hug her but he just stood there staring at her. "Please," Quinn begged tearfully as Russell then stormed off leaving Quinn in tears. "JUDY!" Russell shouted after his wife as Judy rushed off following her husband's lead as Quinn sobbed. Sam held her close to him letting her cry. "YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO PACK LUCILLE QUINN FABRAY!" Russell shouted starling Quinn as Sam took her hand, clearly upset by the way her parents were treating her. "Come on," Sam whispered helping an emotional Quinn to her room as he helped her pack her things, knowing things would never be the same for his girlfriend after tonight.

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