Chapter 2

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Quinn drove herself to Dr. Wu's office knowing she needed absolute confirmation. Saturday was the best day for her to go, especially since her mother would be out of the house for a few hours for Bible Study and it was her father's busiest day leaving Quinn with the most allotted time to get to and from her appointment without raising suspicion. "Lucy Quinn Fabray," the nurse called as Quinn took a deep breath making her way into the office. "So what brings you in today?" the nurse asked Quinn who bit her lip. "I think I might be pregnant," Quinn admitted for the first time out loud. "First day of last period?" the nurse asked. "August 5th," Quinn said as the nurse wrote it down. "Did you take an at home pregnancy test?" the nurse asked. "Yes. It was positive," Quinn sighed. "Alright Miss Fabray we'll be taking a blood test and the doctor will be back with the results," the nurse said as Quinn nodded letting her draw the blood as Quinn's heart raced, worrying if the pregnancy was confirmed what it would mean for her.

"Hello Quinn," Dr. Wu smiled as he walked in. "Hi Doctor," Quinn said nervously as the doctor took a deep breath. "Well your results came back positive, you are in fact pregnant," Dr. Wu told Quinn who looked crestfallen. "I take it this wasn't a planned pregnancy," the doctor said as Quinn shook her head tearfully. "The good news is all of your test results for the baby look promising. At your age there is a very little chance of anything going wrong but we still like to run the tests just in case," Dr. Wu said as Quinn seemed to still have a far away look in her eyes. "Have you given any thought to your options..." Dr. Wu said handing Quinn pamphlets on abortion as well as adoption. "I'm keeping the baby," Quinn said in a whispery tone, indicating aborting would never be an option. "Are you sure? A teen pregnancy isn't going to be easy," Dr. Wu said as Quinn nodded. "I know but the baby is here for a reason and I'm not going to argue with God," Quinn said simply as Dr. Wu nodded, seeming impressed by Quinn's selflessness at a young age. "Most people your age would only worry about how it would affect them. You have the right attitude," Dr. Wu said as Quinn smiled a bit. "Thank you," Quinn said as the doctor walked her out to the front desk. "I'm going to need to see you every 4 weeks from now on. Have you given any thought to telling your parents?" Dr. Wu asked as Quinn shook her head furiously. "I can't tell them. They'll kill me," Quinn said in an all too serious tone that the doctor and receptionist exchanged concerned looks. "What about the father?" the doctor asked as Quinn took a deep breath. "He doesn't know yet. I just wanted to make sure it was happening before I told him," Quinn said honestly as the doctor seemed to understand. "Alright Miss Fabray, I will see you in 4 weeks," the doctor said as Quinn set up her next appointment, dreading the message she had to send next.

Quinn: Can we meet up? Need to talk to you in person.
Sam: Of course. Sounds serious...everything okay?

Quinn: Not really. Meet you at the Lima Bean?

Sam: I'll be there in 5.

Quinn took a deep breath as she headed to the Lima Bean, knowing the talk she was going to have with Sam was going to be the one that changed everything about their relationship.

Sam smiled as Quinn walked in greeting her with her favorite green tea. "I remembered it's your favorite," Sam smiled handing her the drink as Quinn couldn't help but smile at his generosity. "Thank you," Quinn said as she took a sip before taking her seat. "What's going on?" Sam asked as Quinn took a deep breath scared of how Sam was going to react. "I'm pregnant," Quinn said biting her lip. "Holy crap...holy it from..." Sam began as Quinn nodded tearfully. "I wasn't sure so I went to the doctor and they confirmed it. I am so sorry," Quinn said emotionally as Sam got up and held her still in shock by the news that he was going to be a dad but knowing that Quinn needed him now more than ever before. "It's okay....we're going to be okay," Sam whispered as Quinn sobbed into his chest. "I really thought I had a shot of getting out of here," she said emotionally as Sam rubbed her back trying to comfort his girlfriend who seemed distraught.

"So how far along are you?" Sam asked Quinn who was driving him home. "6 weeks," Quinn sighed. "Are you going to get a..." Sam began. "No," Quinn said shaking her head. "Good....I wouldn't want you to," Sam told her seriously as Quinn smiled at him. If there was one thing Quinn knew she could count on it was that Sam would support her in her decision to keep the baby. "They want me to come back for a sonogram and to hear the heartbeat. Would you like to come?" Quinn asked as Sam took her hand. "It would be an honor to," Sam smiled a bit placing his other hand on her stomach "I'm here for you, for both of you." A tear streamed down Quinn's face knowing how fortunate she was to have a boyfriend who cared that much about her. "We are going to get through this, okay?" Sam said. "Okay," Quinn said as she pulled up to Sam's place. Sam began to unbuckle as Quinn grabbed his hand. "Just don't tell your parents," Quinn said worriedly. "Why not?" Sam asked confused. "Because then they'll tell my parents and it won't end well for me or possibly our child," Quinn said as Sam looked upset. "I can tell them not to tell your folks. I mean they wouldn't want you or the baby hurt," Sam said seriously as Quinn sighed. "Just please, don't tell them until I'm ready to," Quinn begged as Sam nodded. "Okay...I won't," Sam said kissing Quinn's forehead as he left the car. Quinn took a deep breath knowing this could all blow up if word got back to her parents.

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