Chapter 5

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 Quinn and Sam went to Quinn's first sonogram appointment that following week after school. "I'm freaking out," Quinn whispered to Sam who just held her hand. "To be honest I am too," Sam told her honestly. "Relax, everything should go smoothly. There's very little chance of anything being wrong at your ages," the technician told them seriously as Sam kissed Quinn's hand. "It'll be a little cool to the touch," the technician said as she got the jelly. "Can you just please be careful of my uniform?" Quinn asked nervously as the technician shot her look "I just came from cheerleading practice and my coach would kill me if I got anything on it." "Fine," the technician rolled her eyes "Speaking of your ages, have you given any thought about adoption?" "The doctor gave me a few pamphlets on it....I just don't know what I'm doing yet," Quinn said honestly as the technician nodded as they heard the heartbeat for the first time as Sam looked in awe. "Your baby has a good strong heartbeat," the technician told them seriously as Quinn sighed relieved that their baby was okay. "Do you want to know the gender of your baby?" the technician asked as Sam looked at Quinn who nodded. "If it makes a difference it's a girl," she told them as Sam kissed Quinn as Quinn kissed him back grateful for his support.

"You might want to step out for this. The doctor needs to give her a pelvic exam," the technician told Sam who looked confused. "Uhhh I'm not sure I understand," Sam said as Quinn chuckled. "I'm going to have to get into a gown and they're going to have check....down there," Quinn whispered as Sam's face turned red. "Oh...uhhhh right.... I'll step out," Sam said awkwardly as Quinn couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "I'll be outside if you need me," Sam said kissing her on the cheek as Quinn got herself changed into the hospital gown as she let Sam in. "I'm changed I just need some help, you know with the ties," Quinn said as Sam nodded. "Of course," he smiled a bit as Quinn picked her hair up as Sam tied the ties kissing her back as he did so. Quinn turned around smiling. "You're the best, you know that?" Quinn said. "I'm just trying to be the best I can for you and our little girl," Sam said rubbing Quinn's stomach lovingly as Quinn pulled him in for a kiss but they were quickly interrupted by the doctor. "That's errr my cue to leave," Sam said awkwardly as he rushed out on the room as the doctor and Quinn laughed.

"Your boyfriend didn't want to stay for the pelvic exam, I'm shocked," Doctor Wu said jokingly. "Do most guys just run out and leave?" Quinn asked trying hold back her laughter. "Please most husbands leave when the wife has to do it forget teenage boys," Doctor Wu said as he felt around. Quinn was taken aback by the exam. "I take it this is your first pelvic exam," Doctor Wu said as Quinn nodded nervously. "Just relax, I'm almost done. I know it's uncomfortable," he said as Quinn tried to relax as the doctor finished up taking off the gloves. "Everything feels like it's all in order. I wasn't suspecting any problems but it's better to check and make sure," Doctor Wu told Quinn who seemed relieved. "I do I have to ask a couple of mandatory questions now while your boyfriend is waiting outside. I hope that's alright," Doctor Wu said as Quinn nodded. "Were you raped or pressured into having sex with the father?" Doctor Wu asked as Quinn shook her head no as the doctor nodded writing it down. "Is the father pressuring you into keeping the baby or threatening you in any way?" Doctor Wu asked. "Not at all," Quinn said shaking her head. "Good. I'm glad you're in a healthy relationship Quinn. It's important and vital especially with teen pregnancies. I know you made an indication at your last visit that your parents might not be supportive of you if they found out you were pregnant. Have you given any thought to making an appointment here to tell them?" Doctor Wu asked. "You can do that?" Quinn asked in shocked tone as Doctor Wu nodded. "It's something we offer regarding teen pregnancies because we want your parents to know what their rights are too and what we've been discussing with you as far as options. Does that sound like something you'd want?" Doctor Wu asked as Quinn nodded. It would definitely make breaking the news to her mom easier. She knew she couldn't have her dad in on this meeting. "Excellent. I'll bring your boyfriend in and let him know about it in case he would want to invite his parents as well," Doctor Wu said as Quinn seemed relieved. It seemed like the best option for both of them to tell their parents in a safe space.

Sam reentered as Quinn finished getting redressed in her cheerios uniform. "Hey the doctor told me about the appointment to tell our parents. I think it's a great option," Sam said as Quinn nodded. "Me too," Quinn smiled as she took Sam's hand as they exited the office closer together than before. "About the appointment...I'm just going to tell my mom. My dad can't know," Quinn said as Sam nodded looking concerned. "Any reason for that?" Sam asked as Quinn sighed. "I just know he wouldn't react well and it could really end badly for all of us," Quinn said as Sam took her hand "Whatever you need, I'm here for you." "Thanks," Quinn smiled emotionally as she dropped Sam off then headed home.

"Mom..." Quinn called out hoping her mom was alone. "In the kitchen," Judy called back as Quinn entered the kitchen. "Coach Sylvester kept you awfully late at cheerios practice, everything okay?" Judy asked as Quinn nodded. "Yeah. It's fine. I just need you to come with me to an appointment," Quinn said biting her lip nervously. "Did you get injured?" Judy asked worried as Quinn shook her head. "It's not that kind of appointment. It's just a conselling session is all," Quinn said as Judy nodded. "Of course I'll come," Judy said as Quinn sighed of relief before turning around "Don't tell dad about know how he feels about shrinks." "Of course," Judy said as Quinn walked off feeling like she had accomplished what she needed to. She could only hope telling her mom and Sam's parents would go over better than what happened in her own home.

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