Chapter 7

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Quinn was walking down the hall as Sam called her over. "Hey, in here," Sam smiled a bit as he called Quinn into the astronomy classroom, the one where they almost had their first kiss. "Why did you want me to meet you here?" Quinn asked looking around the classroom as Sam got down on one knee opening a box with a ring inside. "Oh my God. Are you proposing? I mean I know we're having a baby but this is too much too soon," Quinn said shaking her head as Sam chuckled. "I want to marry you, someday. But I want you to have everything you deserve and right now, that's not something I can give you," Sam told Quinn seriously as Quinn was in awe of what he had to say. "Then what's the ring for?" Quinn asked confused. "It's promise ring. It's a promise that I will always be there for you and our daughter. That no matter how hard things get I will always stay by your side through this and beyond. I think we have what it takes to have a relationship that lasts forever but if you accept this ring, it'll be the first step towards us having a future together," Sam said as Quinn couldn't help but shake her head tearing up as she took the ring. "I want all those things too," Quinn said as Sam got up. "So it's a yes?" Sam grinned. "Yes," Quinn smiled wiping her eyes as Sam spun her around all too excited that Quinn accepted his promise ring. As he put her down Quinn rushed off, due to her morning sickness. "Sorry babe," Sam called after her worriedly as Quinn got to the restroom in time.

"Quinn...are you alright?" Mercedes asked as Quinn walked out of the bathroom. "I'm fine....just had a big breakfast," Quinn lied. "You sounded awfully sick maybe we should take you to the nurses' office," Tina offered. "No, no. I'm fine," Quinn assured the girls who looked concerned "Besides I need to keep my perfect attendance record." "If you say so," Mercedes shrugged as she and Tina went back to fixing themselves up in the bathroom as Quinn left not wanting to have the whole 'I'm pregnant' conversation then and there.

"Alright guys, Sectionals is in a few weeks and we just got a notification about the teams we're competing against. Drum roll Finn," Mr. Schue grinned as Finn played a drum roll. "From Westerville, Ohio the all boys choir the Dalton Academy Warblers," Will said as Santana smirked. "Okay like a million awesome gay jokes just popped into my head," Santana said as Kurt gave her a glare. "And once again we are competing against the Jane Addams Academy," Will said as the New Directions nodded knowing they had an uphill battle for Sectionals. "Fret not everyone I will be glad to lead us to victory on another fabulous solo," Rachel grinned. "Rachel....while you did an amazing job leading us to victory last year, I was hoping our Duets competition winners would take the leads," Will said smiling at Sam and Quinn. "Ken and Barbie?" Rachel huffed annoyed. "This is ridiculous," Quinn huffed clearly overwrought with pregnancy hormones "Anytime you don't get your way you complain about anyone else getting a chance to shine." "She sort of has a point. I mean you quit the club the last time Mr. Schue tried to give me the solo in 'Tonight'," Tina agreed as Rachel glared at her boyfriend Finn. "Do Something!" she exclaimed. "Look Rach, maybe Mr. Schue has a point. Sam and Quinn did win the duets contest and maybe the change of pace will be good for sectionals," Finn offered as Rachel gasped. "I cannot believe you're taking their side! Does anyone care about winning?" Rachel huffed as Mr. Schue slammed down on the piano. "Enough!" he exclaimed starling the New Directions "I have talked the talk about everyone feeling special, but frankly I haven't walked the walk. You guys are all so talented and have many different strengths and we are going to win because we worked together as a team," the New Directions nodded knowing what Will was saying was fair. "Fine. Waste my talents again. I don't care," Rachel huffed folding her arms and turning away. "Can we get on with the setlist? I only listened to about half of that and I needs to be heading to class," Santana said. "Alright, besides Sam and Quinn performing a duet, Santana, I was hoping you could take the solo this time around," Will said as Santana smirked confidently as Brittany high-fived her "You nailed your solo when we performed at Regionals and I feel like your talents would be best paired with the dance stylings of Brittany and Mike Chang." Brittany and Mike also looked thrilled that they would be getting a chance to be showcased at sectionals. "And here's the kicker, the big group number will be 'Empire State of Mind', the one we performed trying to recruit new members," Will said as the New Directions cheered seeming thrilled with the setlist. "Sectionals here we come," Will smiled as the bell rang.

"I can't believe we actually got a duet," Sam grinned as Quinn grabbed her things. "I'm really happy, especially since we already spend a lot of time together," Quinn smiled a bit as Mr. Schue waved to them to come over. "Sam, Quinn. I want to congratulate you again on the duets win and I think I found a song that would really showcase both of your talents," Mr. Schue smiled handing them the sheet music to '(I've Had) the Time of my Life'. "From Dirty Dancing. It's a great choice Mr. Schue," Quinn smiled a bit as Sam nodded. "Totally. I'm thrilled to sing another love song with Quinn," Sam smiled holding his girlfriend close. "That's the enthusiasm I was looking for! Especially since Quinn's one of our strongest dancers. I was hoping you and Sam could perform with some moves from the original movie to pay homage to it," Mr. Schue smiled as Quinn bit her lip. Normally she would love the chance to showcase her dancing but she was concerned the movement would be too much, especially with her morning sickness. "Is everything alright?" Will asked Quinn looked at Sam to indicate that they should tell Mr. Schue their situation. "Everything's okay....the dancing just might be a bit much for Quinn..." Sam said nervously as Quinn sighed. "I'm pregnant," Quinn admitted as Will's eyes grew wide. He wasn't expecting to hear that, especially not from Quinn who had always been so vocal about her religious values. "Yeah it was surprising for me too but I just want to everything I can to make things okay for her," Sam said rubbing his neck. "That's...something. Okay...we'll talk more about this after school," Will said still in shock as Sam helped Quinn to her next class.

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