Aaron X Reader

239 2 15

Hello Neighbor Character

Song: Nowhere Else- Eden

Its easy when you got nothing to lose.. And I'll still be there, cuz i got nowhere else.

I don't wanna know no fake love

Fake friends

Forced smiles



Just say what you wanna say

My hands run through my messy hair as I sit down on my makeshift bed. I rub my eyes.

I need to get out of here.

I cant take it anymore.

Why did he lock me down here! I was just looking for my friends!

his children...

A knock comes from the door in the "room" im in.

"Are You ok?" The door creaks open with Aaron standing in the doorway.

I sigh and shake my head.


The thirteen year old sits down next to me, basically on the floor.

I look into his light brown eyes and groan, "Why am i here again?"

"B'cuz You decided to go down here, looking for me"

"Well yeah, but why did he lock me down here? What did I Do?"

He shrugs, looking at the boarded up windows, "Nothing. Not that i know of. Maybe cuz you know too much of this godforsaken family that I happen to be apart of"

I giggle, "I feel bad for you.. You just happen to have a dad that doesnt even care about you.. He just cares about his innocence.."

He scoffs, "Something he clearly doesnt have if he locked me in his basement to" he air quotes, "keep me safe"

I smile and he smirks, "Well at least you're stuck with me"

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