"Heh alright." 17 chuckled. "Will you be alright?"

"Yea, thanks to you I've regained enough stamina." Mae smiled to him. 17 turned and ran off trying to find somewhere to take shelter.

"Take this!" Jiren yelled sending a huge beam of energy at Goku.

"Ha!" Goku yelled unleashing his own. They clashed together and both of them began to push against each other. Jiren's energy cut through Goku's causing him to take a direct hit.

The smoke cleared and Goku ran forward and the two locked together. "Persistent bastard!" Jiren swore as their fists clashed. "How do you still have this much power?!"

Goku jumped back and sent a ball of energy at Jiren. As it came forward Jiren punched it down and kicked it back to Goku, sending him falling. As he fell Jiren wrapped energy around his fist and punched, sending Goku crashing down even harder. He hit the arena floor and laid in a crater.

"Goku get up!" Krillin called. "I believe in you!"

Mae ran forward to the ledge and looked down to where her father was lying. "Dad you have to get up! We are counting on you!"

Jiren snapped his head to where she as standing. "Damn I almost forgot about her." He muttered under his breath. He turned back to Goku as he started to get up. "Impossible! How are you able to move? You shouldn't have enough stamina!"

Goku looked up at Jiren, "it isn't over yet."

"How can you keep going after being beaten so many times?" Jiren asked.

"Cause everyone is countin on me." Goku said. "There's no way I can back down now."

"That is meaningless before my power." Jiren said.

"You're wrong." Goku said before he attacked.

"How is he even faster?!" Belmod asked as Goku and Jiren started attacking each other again.

"Goku isn't fighting just for himself." Piccolo told the god. "He's bearing all of our hopes too."

"Goku has people who help raise each other up." Krillin said watching his friend. "Not only do we raise each other up but our very existence is what gives Goku strength. Sure, some of us have fought or were enemies before but here we all are putting our faith and trust in him."

"I doubt that Goku believes he came this far by himself." Roshi said. "Even while fighting, Goku has a way of drawing people to him."

Toppo heard their words and looked back down at the arena. Mae watched as Goku ran forward and attacked multiple times knocking Jiren back. As he was falling he countered, sending energy blasts at Goku. Goku dodged them all and kicked Jiren to the ground.

Jiren shook as he got up to his knees. "Who cares about friendship and trust? To accept that would be to deny everything that I am. I won't believe in such a power. Such things can easily be taken away." He unleashed a ball of energy directed to the stands where everyone was sitting.

"No!" Mae screamed as she watched the energy fly straight for Gohan. Her heart nearly stopped when suddenly the energy was deflected away. Goku had protected them.

Goku landed in front of Jiren. "The Power you believe so much in can easily be erased." Jiren spat at him.

Goku took a step forward. "I don't think I'm a hero of justice or anything." His face turned to anger. "But those who would hurt my friends I won't forgive!" He lunged forward and started to attack again.

"Kakarot! Beat Jiren for all of us!" Vegeta yelled as Goku dodged Jiren's attacks.

At just the right moment Goku yelled, "Kamehameha!" The blast hit Jiren straight on and sent him flying into pillars of the broken arena. When Goku landed he saw Jiren laying in the crater.

"Why wont you finish me off already?" Jiren asked as Goku hesitated.

"A guy like you probably already knows what I'm talking about." Goku said as he approached him.

"The fight is over. Knock me off already." Jiren said turning his head. He looked and saw Mae jump down and start to run to where they were.

Goku held out a ball of energy ready to end it when suddenly a shock went straight through him. Pain erupted from him as purple lightning shot from his body. His hair went from silver to black as he cried out in agony.

Mae yelled as she ran, "Dad!" She didn't understand what was happening to him.

"Oh no." Whis said. "I didn't think the toll would be this great. This limit breaking power of the gods."

"Jiren hurry knock Goku off!" Belmod roared.

Jiren stood up as Goku continued to cry out in pain. "This isn't how I wanted our battle to end. Even though you will cease to be you will live on in my memories." He held out the energy ready to end it. "Farewell."

As he unleashed the attack Mae jumped in front of them. Her hair blue only for a moment as she took the force of the attack. As she and Goku fell through the arena she grabbed his arm and threw him to a floating island. She angled herself to another chunk of debris and fell onto it. "This isn't over." She panted as she stood up.

"Mae you protected him?" Jiren asked her surprised.

"I had to." Mae said as 17 stepped out from behind the rocks he was hiding behind.

"You're still alive?" Jiren asked surprised.

"17!" 18 yelled tears of joy were forming in her eyes.

"You didn't blow up!" Krillin cheered.

"Of course not." 17 said to them. "Mae, looks like it's just us since Goku is out of commission."

"Looks like it." Mae said powering up to super saiyan. "Hope you are ready, Jiren."

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