"Weiss Schnee?" She said to her.


"I'm his mother... You don't think he wouldn't tell me about any of you?" She said. Weiss looked down slightly, "He must really like you if he is willing to give his life for you." She pat her head gently.

"He shouldn't have..." Weiss added.

"Then you didn't know him very well. He is willing to do anything for those he loves. He wanted to be a huntsman because he wanted to be strong to protect others especially me. That's what convinced me to let him go." She smiled at Weiss. She retracted her hand, "At least he isn't suffering anymore." She said pulling Weiss into a gentle hug.

"Yeah... At least he isn't." Weiss said feeling the kindness of F/N's mother.

F/N blocked the blades from the creature, "Fuck this shit!" He yelled.  He gets a punch to the gut sending him back. The force of the hit makes him gasp for air. He smashed into a tree and hits the ground. He forced himself to roll away avoiding another blast from it's weapons. He stood up and raised his sword at it. His back throbbed with intense pain, "I can't die... Not yet... Not yet!" He yelled. The creature rushes at him and F/N steps back getting a light graze across his abdomen. He goes to slash at the creature but it dodged it, it brings it's blades upwards and cuts his back. He quickly turns around and sliced at him again. The creature parried it and smacked him backwards to the ground, "Semblance... Now would be a good time to evolve..." He said. He rolls away as the creature tried to stab him with it's spear. He gets up and smacked the spear with his sword. It grazes his side and he takes this moment to stab it. Through it grabbed his sword and held it. It's hand bleeding green blood as it held his blade back. It pulls his blade back and kneed F/N in the gut. It let's go of the blade and punched him in the face and then kicks him back, "ow..." He said slowly getting up. His body began to give a faint glow as he stood up. The creature approached him and as it brought it's wrist blades back F/N punches it's gut. The force stunned it momentarily allowing him to grab his sword and try to stab it. Though it dodged the attack and grabbed F/N by the neck. It looks at him for a moment before tossing him through a few branches, "Okay... I think this isn't getting me anywhere..." He said turning his sword into a pistol, "I think this is a good enough emergency." He said aiming his gun at a tree. He fires it and it catches on fire, "Now to run." He said as he grabbed a branch and lit it ablaze as he ran past the tree. He began to lit parts of the forest on fire as he ran. F/N threw the branch and as the woods burned he ran back to where he hid Midori. He made it back to her and uncovered her still unconscious body. He picks her up and was able to force his injured arm to carry her. He looks back to see a massive forest fire behind him and the smoke fills the air. He looks at the water and sees it running down the woods. He runs and follows the river down the woods. He arrives at the edge of another waterfall, "What is with this cliche moment I'm having?" He asked himself. He hears a distant roar coming from the burning woods, "I hope my semblance evolves better luck." He said and leaps over the cliff.



I dragged myself onto shore while my bad arm desperately clinged to Midori. I pulled us farther away from the river, after I got her decently away I placed my head beside her chest. Her heart was still beating and her breathing was calm. I sighed in relief as I laid on my back next to her. My arm felt as though it was crushed between two boulders. My aura began to heal my wounds slowly as I looked at Midori, "Eric... I think I'll beat any story you tell that girl back home, who ever she is..." I said to myself.

It has been a few hours since I fought that creature. My aura healed my wounds but not fully. I had some scars around my body especially my arm. I didn't build a fire this time and I was able to make a shelter on a few fallen trees. To keep myself and her warm I held her in my arms, "How is she still unconscious?" I asked myself. I look at her and noticed she looked calm. Her hat fell off her head revealing her cat ears. I used one hand and reached for her head, "I'm sure she wouldn't mind..." I said to myself and I touched her ears. I begin to caress them between my fingers as they twitched. Before I knew it her arms reached and grabbed mine. I panicked at first expecting her to be furious, "I'm sorry I... I could help my...self?" I realized she was still asleep. She actually grabbed my hand and nuzzled up to it. Though that wasn't all, to my shock she began to nibble on my hand. It was surprisingly hot now and I looked away, "She's... She's so cute..." I said to myself as I felt her continue to nibble on my hand, "I'm definitely not telling her any of this after she wakes up... Whenever that is."



Summer woke up in a bed. She looked around and saw a nurse approach her, "Easy. Don't move so much." She said.

"What happened where am I?" Summer asked.

"You were found in the woods, unconscious. We brought you in to see if you were okay. A few injuries but nothing we couldn't heal." The nurse replied, "What happened?"

"I was on a mission... Then I..." Summer struggled to remember, "I was surrounded by Grimm... Had to run and... I don't know... I can't remember anything else." She said looking at the nurse.

"What's your name? Do you have a family?" The nurse asked.

"Yes. I'm Summer Rose and I do have a family." She said.


Weiss sat in her dorm with her teammates, "So how did the talk go?" Ruby asked her.

"Fine... I guess..." Weiss said.

"We got to move on guys... We can't be down forever." Yang said.

"I know... It's just... Thinking about it. He was with us a lot." Blake said putting her book down, "We read together, he trained with Yang... Albeit he was more of a punching bag."

"Hey I tried holding back! He told me to stop." Yang said.

"He helped me with Crescent Rose and herd me nerd out with weapons." Ruby said.

"He and I studied a lot together... How did he even make time for all this?" Weiss said.

"He worked hard. Harder than anyone else." Blake said, "So rather than being upset about it we should all move on with our lives... It's what he would have wanted."

"Yeah... He would have wanted us to move on." Weiss said.

"Yeah and our dad always said, 'When people die they go to a better place.'" Yang finished.

"That's right! So for here on out we live! We live and make him stop worrying about us so he can enjoy his new peaceful home!" Ruby exclaimed. Everyone cheered in agreement. Weiss looks at the locket in her hand. She finally puts it on and smiled, F/N I'll live. I'll live for you and make sure you're mother is safe. So rest easy wherever you are.


Unknown Planet


I sat there with Midori still nibbling on my hand, "You know... This new life doesn't seem so bad."

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