Start from the beginning

(Yawns, tired) Jack?


(Gives her a shaky grin) It's alright Emma. I just had a bad dream.

[Emma nods and goes back to sleep. Jack sits for a couple seconds, thinking. He looks out the window at the full moon.]


(Whispers) It was just a dream.

North looks at the screen puzzled, before his eyes open in wonder.

"Manny iz talking to him!" North whispered excited to the other Gaurdians. They look back to him, shocked.

[The camera pans out from the window moving further away from Jack's house until all we see is the moon hanging in the sky. The words 'Rise of the Brave Tangles Dragons' appear. The sky changes behind the words as it goes from night to day. The camera begins to zoom across the sky, leaving the words behind as suddenly a dark shape flys past the camera.]

"Dragon." Astrid mutters, scowling.

Fishleg squeals in excitment, "but what kind?!"

Hiccup swears.


Yeah! Go baby!

[Hiccup and Toothless continue to fly while the camera continues to follow them. They do sharp turns and terrifying flips through the air before they level out.]

The movie pauses, Hiccup winces and looks over his shoulder to his red faced father.

"Hiccup!" Stock shouts, stomping over and grabbing him by the scruff, "how dare you side with those beasts!"

A low growl cuts them both off and everyone looks around warily. Suddenly, a streak of black tackles into Stoick. It's Toothless - he rears up - ready to strike when he is suddenly pulled off and being thrown across the room by an unseen force.

"Toothless!" Hiccup cries, running across the room to him. He helps the dragon up, checking him over. Gobber helps Stoick up and quickly begins to calm him down.

"Now see here Stoick, let's just try to calm down. The witch and wizard brought us here for a reason."

Stoick glares over at Hiccup - who is being wrapped up by an over protective dragon.

"What ever the reason is," Stoick mutters, "it won't matter to me."

"Stoick!" Gobber says, shocked.

"No Gobber! He has sided with the beasts!" He scowls, "He is not a Viking. And he is not my son."

Hiccup blinks, shocked, and tears fall from his eyes. As the movie starts Hiccup is pulled into a hug by Emma. Jack and Merida following with Rapunzel hesitantly joining. They sat there, comforting him with Toothless settling around the five.

Both the King and Queen of Corona and Queen Elinor and King Fergus glare at Stoick and the Vikings but are ignored.

The movie starts again.


So bud, what do you say. Go back?

[Toothless lets a happy grumble as they bank sharply back to an island. The land in a cove where Hiccup quickly hops off of Toothless. Hiccup gives Toothless a wave as he runs out of the cove. We follow Hiccup to his house in the villiage.]

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