"I heard that, and frankly, if I don't pressure myself to do things I'll end up slacking off.  I don't need that habit catching up with me in my adulthood." Lor shot me a side look before glancing at her watch.

"Great." She gave a small groan and grabbed both of our bags, handing me my own, before standing up and taking my hand.

She pulled me up and headed towards the exit of the cafeteria.  I looked back at the rest of the group with a questioning look, and I got a shrug from Lakyn, Faey and Yhenn, while Brie checked her watch to see if it had something to do with that.  Eelon and Freddy were caught up in a conversation of their own, probably one about who would win a fight against our principal and the candidates were rock, paper and apple.

"We better get going now if we want to make it to homeroom without you running." My attention turned back to Lor while she spoke.

"Alright then.  If we're going now, even without me running, I'm still going to carry you." I swung my arms under her and carried her bridal style, like I normally do, but I didn't run.

Lor doesn't want me to, so I guess I'll give her this so she doesn't yell at me for running.

"Wait- What?! Why?" She tried to get out of my arms while I tried to make sure that she didn't fall.

"I've kind of gotten used to carrying you to class and it just feels weird when I'm not."  Not a lie, I warm up to new routines pretty quickly.

It's kind of unsettling in a sense that my adaptability is that strong.

"No, put me down!" She tried pushing me away, which evidently caused her to move away from me, meaning that she almost fell out of my arms and onto the ground.

But luckily for the both of us, I got them quick ass reflexes, and I caught her again before she hit the ground.

"Don't think I want to."  Instead of holding her bridal style again, I put her over my shoulder with her stomach on top of my shoulder, and held her like that while I walked us to homeroom.

I can feel her trying to get out my grip again, and I can feel her attempting to twist her way out of my arm.

"Blaeden! I swear, put me down!" People are staring.

"Again, don't think I want to. And try not to scream, people are starting to stare."   I chuckled unintentionally, but I couldn't really help it.

I heard her gasp.

"How dare you laugh at me while you render me defenseless." I felt her slap my back, my spine to be exact.

I flinched a little, but in all honesty it just made me laugh more.

"How dare you whack my spine while I carry you to our homeroom."

"You started it." I felt her cross her arms on my back.

"Really? The blame game?  You're putting the blame on me?"

"Shut up, you know it's true."

"And what proof do you have to give to back up your claim?  If you do not, your claim is invalid."

"Why should I?"

"We are in school, therefore I need you're evidence."

"Oh, I hate you." Lor lightly elbowed the back of my head.

"No you don't."

"How do you know?  For all you know, I could just be getting along with you to get close to your brother or you're other friends and not you."

"Are you suggesting something in place of your evidence?" I asked, to which I felt Lor shift, almost uncomfortably.


"How dare, I henceforth count your claim as invalid."

She made a noise of playful disbelief before slapping my back again.

"Okay, can you stop whacking my back please?"

"Only if you put me down."

I thought for a moment before deciding to just deal with it.

"Never mind."


She was silent for a moment.

"I feel like I'm forgetting about something very important..." She muttered.

"Could it be that we're getting to know which play we're going to be performing at the end of the year?" I suggested, to which she gave a small gasp.

"That's it.  So which plays do you think are options?" She asked as we walked into Mrs. R's room.

I carefully set her down in her seat before sitting in my own.

"Literally almost anything Disney or child friendly that's also school appropriate." I shrugged, putting my bag on the back of my chair.

"That sort of helps narrow down the options, but not really."

I turned back towards Lor, only to get a slap to my forehead.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?!" I rubbed the middle of my face while I saw Lor stand up from her seat immediately.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it was going to be that hard!" She tried to move my hand away from my face to see the damage she inflicted on my face.

"But in my defense, you kind of deserved it since you didn't put me down." Lor shrugged, successfully moving my hands away from my face and inspecting the damage.

Her hands were cupped around my cheeks which helped her maneuver my head around in various angles to make sure that the slap she placed on my forehead wasn't too severe.

Goodness fuck, my cheeks are hot.  I think I'm blushing, I can't really see my face, only Lor's which is sort of fucking extremely close to mine.

I honestly don't know how I should feel and respond to these actions. 

Uh, help?

Notice the question mark?

Yes, I can see my own question marks when I think about them.  Wait, that's off topic.

My point is, I'm legitimately not sure.

Lor didn't seem to mind, though a few of the other students already in our homeroom glanced at us a couple of times.  I saw their movements with my sharp ass peripheral vision.

"At least I didn't run, you've got to give me props for that at least." She let go of my face and crossed her arms and bit her lip, seemingly contemplating something.

"Fine." She gave in, sighing lightly.

"But don't ever hold me over your shoulder again, it's a little awkward and I can't really see your face." She added, turning and putting her bag on the side of her desk.

"I'll try, just don't push away from me because you'll fall.  And you will end up on the ground if I end up not catching you." Lor looked at me with a somewhat scared glance.

"But you'll always catch me, right?" She asked, kind of slowly.

"If I can, which I hope is always."

"Then let's hope for always." She smiled at me, which I kind of gave a small chuckle.

"Yeah."  Lor checked her watch before looking up, pausing, then turning to me again.

"So, which plays do you think we'd most likely end up performing?"

This list is going to be long, and take a little time to go over each one.

I hope that okay Lor, if not, well then your screwed over until I finish listing them all.

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