Laurgelica, Kingsbury, and Wamilton (Valentines' Day Special, Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Peggy: I MADE VALENTINES FOR EVERYONE! *runs around handing out Valentines* Here you go guys! *gives Hamilton, Herc and Laff valentines*

Laff: Ooh, it's beautiful! So much glitter!

Herc: Thanks, Peggs.

Laurens: Where's my valentine?

Peggy: Oh. I forgot. Sorry.

Laurens: Wow, that's nice.

Peggy: *smirks* Just kidding. *gives turtle plushie. The turtle is holding a little heart that says "I turtle-ly love you."*

Laurens: *gasps, then starts chuckling* I love it! Thanks, Peggy! *side hugs*

Quinn: Okay, y'all, now we're gonna start with the reactions! We've been getting requests for a lot of ships lately, so to keep up with the ship trend and in the spirit of Valentine's Day, I thought we'd do all the ship requests! This may end up being a multi parter, cuz we've got quite a few of them! The first one we're gonna do is from WeAreForeverAndForever

Quinn: Okay, y'all, now we're gonna start with the reactions! We've been getting requests for a lot of ships lately, so to keep up with the ship trend and in the spirit of Valentine's Day, I thought we'd do all the ship requests! This may end up b...

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Laurens: Why is it always me?

Quinn: Honestly who knows. You're like the fan favorite. And speaking of fans...

All: Oh no.

Quinn: ROLL THE FANART COMPILATION!!! *plays the theme music*

Quinn: ROLL THE FANART COMPILATION!!! *plays the theme music*

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Eliza: That's not so bad...

Theodosia: It's kinda cute!

Laurens: Yeah I guess but... we're not... *looks at Angelica in confusion*

 *looks at Angelica in confusion*

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