Bleeding out

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Hey guys! I'm here to tell you about the this chapter before it really starts! I will be switching back and forth between Draco and Remus' POV so be aware of that. This chapter is also heart break and violent. Since of corse it's the werewolf time. I am crying while making it sooooo have fun 😭😭😭

Remus POV

Today is the day. Today is the day of the transformation for me and Draco. As I opened my eyes I could feel my body cracking. My bones already getting ready for what was to come. I groaned and began to get out of bed.

"Woah there moony don't get to active now! Let me help." Sirius said coming to me.

As I thought he was going to help me stand he picked me up instead.

"Woah! Siri! You really don't need to I can walk you know!" I said trying to keep a stern voice but was basically laughing.

"Not while you are in this room you aren't! Now I made breakfast in here so let's go eat!" He said carrying me to the table.

"Siri I have to get dressed and take a shower first! And no you can't help me, so in a bit okay?" I said struggling to get out of his grip.

"At least let me carry you there?" He said giving me puppy dog eyes.


Draco POV

When I woke up it felt like every bone in my body was on fire, melting, breaking. I could hear my heart beat and the rush of blood in me. I tried to get out of bed but I couldn't. I fell to the floor, and it hurt. It felt as though millions of crucio curses were put on me at the same time, so I screamed. I screamed as though I were dying. I screamed as though my father was here. I screamed.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, then a voice, and then arms. Soft gentle arms pick me up, and put me on my bed. It hurt. I hurt. I've never felt pain like this before. It's never been this strong. Hurt, pain, monster. These three words are the only words I can think of. I then felt a hand under my chin. The hand made me face Madam Pomfrey.

"I will be giving you a potion to ease the pain!" She basically screamed. It all sounded muffled though.

I nodded in response not really knowing what she really said. Today is the day. Today is the nightmare. Today is the day.



As I finally sat down to eat breakfast I heard a high pitched scream.

"Sirius! Did you hear that?" I asked

"No Remmy I didn't, are you okay? Do you need to lay down?" He said looking at me confused and concerned. He then tried to pick me up and carry me to the bedroom. I swatted him away and said.

"No Sirius don't touch me! I'm capable of moving on my own and you know that. I also have classes to teach and I did hear someone screaming. They where in pain and-and it hurt me to hear that.." I said to him. I was getting a little mad at him now.

Why was he all over me now. He's never been this way before and I've always been like this.

"I'm sorry, I just it's, just.." he sighed and the proceeded to say

"The Malfoy boy... he reminds me so much of you and it reminded me of your dad and my dad, and my need to protect you is so strong right now because I'm your mate and I need to protect you, but then I have the urge to protect him as well, like a father. He's like our pup remmy and I can't see him without seeing you and that hurts because I know what you went through is happening to him just in a different way and that hurts me. I bet it hurts the others as well and I just want the best for both of you and I just-just."

We will get through it together...My sweet little omegaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat