Poor boy

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Remus P.O.V

"I can't let him go Pads! I can't he's going through what I had to go through! I don't want that to happen to him I just can't!" I said sobbing into Sirius' chest. We where in the potters living room,that night was the night Harry had his sleepover party. Earlier that night Harry showed us Draco Malfoy, his injuries. What his father has done to him is cruel! I am grateful that the other marauders could save me from my father but even then,the damage was done. Not all my marks where from my father is was the wolf or Moony. Draco on the other hand, well u can say that he doesn't have a wolf. He has his dad.

Sirius wanted nothing but to save Draco he said it him self. I know that Siri was heartbroken when Cissy passes away and, for Lucius to hurt his cousin like that hurt him to much. Draco though didn't know Sirius was his cousin.

"We will save him Moony, and after in and old Padfoot here will kill the git!" James said patting Remus' leg.  That made me laugh. " Of corse that's only if you can get to him first" I said wiping the tears. " See there that award winning Moony smile!" Sirius said kissing the top of my head.


Time passed and Draco left and came back a few times.

This time he came back he was half dead. Harry races inside the house screaming and crying. He held a fragile looking body on his arms, the body was passed out and naked. It was bleeding so bad Harry was covered in it. I was the only one home at the time and it was horrific. "UNCLE MOONY PLEASE HELP WE NEED TO GET HIM TO ST. MONGOS!" Harry cried. I ran and scooped up the body, it was to risky to floo or apperate so I had to drive the flying car. We ran to the car and I said " Harry ally pressure to any wound you can!" I started to drive and while I drove I sent a Petronas to all the marauders telling them to go to St.Mongos. And Merlin this man is dead.

We will get through it together...My sweet little omegaWhere stories live. Discover now