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Alphas were at the top of the social pyramid.  This was a fact.  Powerful and old families wanted to pass on their names, pass on their heritages and pass on their traditions.  To do this, they needed Alpha sons and daughters, the most fertile children, who could guarantee grandchildren.  And Alphas who were not born within these families would naturally be attracted to their wealth and reputation and strive to better themselves so they might become part of them through marriage or relations.

No matter how bright or intelligent a Beta was, that it was a struggle for them to produce a lone offspring to carry on any legacy they might create was also a fact.  So when choosing a spouse, a Beta was seldom seen in the eyes of Patriarchs and Matriarchs of these Alpha families.

Even lower and never considered was the Omega.  Although there were few comparatively to choose from, even if it was considered an option and despite the fact that an Omega can be even more fertile than an Alpha female, there were two reasons not to pick them as a spouse for one in their family lines.  The first was obvious, the bad reputation of Omegas.  Due to their natures, they were considered closer to animals, as they could not completely control their sexual tendencies, than the rest of humanity, who liked to believe they were fully in control.  Worse, an Omega in heat could reduce Alphas to their low level with their pheromones.  The second was due to their genes; if an Omega was introduced into the bloodline, the gene would ever remain and there would be a risk of a woman producing an Omega child in generations to come.

Omegas could absolutely not become the family heir.  It could be said that this was an unwritten rule, a completely unreasonable one, perhaps, considering Alpha women could become heirs so why not Omegas, whose fertility lie best in giving birth, whether male or female themselves.  But it was again due to the bias that having Omegas in the bloodline somehow made it weaker.  Omegas were not actually alone in this, Betas too found themselves discriminated, just not quite as poorly.  A family might still have their Beta child take over the family and simply have them adopt an Alpha niece or nephew or cousin were it in the best interests of the family after all.  But an Omega...?

It did not matter if the Omega had talent, it did not matter if the Omega was clever, they were still just a lowly Omega...

Author's note; I really intended to hold back, but the characters that have been waiting almost two years for their books refused to wait much longer.

Author's note; This can be read as stand alone, but I recommend that readers read the prologue for The Omega is A Novelist to understand the background and history of this alternative world.

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