"Yes Renfri."

The barman slid 3 drinks across the bar, one to 'Renfri', the other two to Geralt and Aldith. The short haired woman gulped her drink down, spilling it all down her chin, "My mother would turn in her grave if she saw that." Renfri laughed.

"Our secret then." Geralt smiled whilst lifting his beer.

Aldith felt awfully left out whilst Geralt and Renfri were talking, she zoned out; remembering life at home, in Velen. She missed her mother, and her father, and her brother. She missed her books, the safety, security and reassurance of home. She looked around at the drunken old men, filthy and poor. Her green eyes then landed on Geralt, the well built, white haired Witcher who stole the hearts of mages and women alike. She could see why, he was gorgeous.

Geralt whipped his head round and caught her staring before slightly smirking, he leaned closer to her and looked her dead in the eye, his heart almost stopping when he took in the colour; the widow of green and the slight tint of lilac in there, "Like something you see?" He taunted, causing Aldith to blush, which was awfully noticeable on her almost paper - white skin.

"I - I - I'm sorry." Aldith stuttered in embarrassment.

"Hm." He responded, winking and turning away.


A few hours passed, and Renfri and Geralt's conversation had come to an end. Aldith was surprised at the amount of beer Geralt had drank, and even more surprised at the fact it had such little effect on him.

"It's time we part ways, green eyes. I've paid for your room tonight. Tomorrow you start fresh, leave Blaviken and build yourself into someone." Geralt's rough voice spoke.

Aldith nodded, she knew this time would come, she just hoped it wouldn't. "I understand, thank you Geralt."

Hearing her soft voice have his name roll off of her tongue so fluently almost sent shivers down his spine, almost persuading him to spend the night with her. He nodded and stood up, turned and walked away. Aldith's eyes  followed him out, catching a glimpse of him turn around and bore his amber eyes into hers.

"Goodbye White Wolf." She quietly whispered, and walked to her room.

It was quaint, and dimly lit with a candle. It reminded her of home. It smelt a bit musty, and felt a bit cold, but the blanket seemed adequate, along with the array of books that sat neatly on the shelves. "I could stay here." Aldith spoke to herself, whilst perching herself against the window, staring at the raindrops fall down. Melancholic, was how she felt as she stared endlessly into the darkness, past the village and into the woods. She just knew Geralt was in there, she had a burning inclination that he was close, it was so overbearing that she had to turn away.


Morning came quicker than she had hoped, nonetheless she opened her eyes and sat up, running her fingers through her hair. The village was awfully quiet, she had assumed it would be bustling with business and families running their errands to collect freshly picked vegetables, but nothing. Not even the sound of a pin drop. She got dressed, neatened her hair and walked downstairs.

The inn was empty.

Stepping out into the cold was refreshing to Aldith, until she heard what sounded like a brawl. Anger filled the air and the smell of death resonated through the streets of Blaviken. Aldith tried to follow the sound of the commotion.

Bodies, sliced and covered in blood were slumped against the walls and in the middle of the street. "What the fuck, is going on?" Aldith spoke, spinning on the spot in confusion. She continued to follow the blood, and the bodies anxiously, biting her lip harder and harder at each step until she finally reached the massive group of people. She pushed through the crowd, stopping when she heard a girl, no older than eleven speak to the familiar man in front of her, who was holding the girl they had met yesterday, Renfri, Her throat cut, blood surrounding her and the Witcher.

"Leave Blaviken Geralt, and never come back." The girl sobbed.

Aldith ran over to Geralt, who was now kneeling without the dead woman over his lap, "Come on." She whispered to Geralt. He didn't move, he just stared at his knees as rocks were thrown at them both. "Geralt, come on. We've got to leave." Nothing. "Move it, Witcher." Aldith authoritatively spoke in his ear, compelling him to move.

He didn't understand what was going on, he felt compelled to move. He didn't want too, his legs were going against what he wanted, he couldn't leave the woman he had just killed, and slept with less than twelve hours before. He didn't want to kill her, he didn't want to choose between the greater, or lesser evil. He wanted to be left alone, not dragged into the petty squabbles of men.

Aldith grabbed his hand, and led him out of Blaviken, far away from the commotion, the shouting and the insults. "What happened?"

"I don't know, I don't know Aldith." Geralt put his head in his hands. "What are you doing here, girl? I told you, I don't do companions."

"I am here, to clean you up. You are covered in blood. Was I to know it was you that had butchered an entire village?" She snapped.

"I had no choice." Geralt growled whilst looking up at her, anger bubbling inside.

"No, you had a choice. You told me to leave Blaviken Witcher. You should of done the same." Aldith retorted, turning around and ripping a bit of cloth from her shirt, turning back around and lowering herself to Geralt's level.

"I tried, Renfri found me. Tried to convince me to kill Stregabor," He winced as Aldith wiped over his face, "it was the lesser evil. Allegedly. Greater, lesser, middling. It's all the same. And if I had to choose, honestly Aldith - I would rather not at all."

He had no idea why he felt like he needed to justify his actions to someone he had only met a day ago. But he couldn't help himself. He convinced himself even more that she had to go.

But she was so damn intoxicating to him.

She continued to wipe his face, and then proceeded to neaten his Rivia ponytail, "Where will you go?" She asked, pulling his hair back as neatly as she could.

"I don't know. Wherever Roach takes me, and you?"

Aldith paused, she hadn't thought of that, "You know, I didn't think about that, but now I do think about it, are you sure your horse doesn't hold two?" She smiled, although Geralt couldn't see it.

"Absolutely not. No companions remember. I'm better off alone." The Witcher stood and faced the lilac haired woman, who's green eyes screamed please.

"Geralt, I've nowhere to go."

He huffed, "How did I know that this would happen?" He turned and climbed onto Roach, holding his hand out to Aldith, "Come on, this is short term though, girl."

Aldith's green eyes sparkled as the White Wolf lifted her effortlessly onto his horse, "Thank you Witcher. You're not all that bad after all."

Aldith, Forever. (The Witcher.) Where stories live. Discover now