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"(NAME)! STOP-" a voice yelled wanting to catch your attention

You can hear them, yes, but don't you care? Why? Is it your ignorant trait? No. . . its their fault why you are like this. Its their fault.

You left your so called bed, with no slippers on.

So.. you are met with the the cold marble floor, but that doesn't bother you anymore.

You grab the first thing that's on your left side and guess what? It's a surgical knife beside of many other medical tools or even a potential weapon for killing a person.

You looked at them with your dead, cold eyes. It was glinting revenge, pain and hate.

You slowly inched closer to them, clutching the knife tightly as you can.

"Woah-(Name)! Take it easy there! We can still fix you!" They pleaded as they back away from your moving form.

"Fix me...?" You asked, lowering your head down as you gripped on the handle of the surgical knife with hatred.

You think about all of the wrong doings they do to you, all of the hateful things they say to you, all of the disgusting things they made you do.

You grit your teeth in range, ready to bark back to them.

You look up to them, eyes showing blood lust and hatred.


Your heart was pumping quickly so does your breath.

The surgical knife that you were holding was long gone from your grip.

as everything, if I mean everything, all the equipments from that certain room started floating.

You can clearly hearing a beeping sound, but it's only for your ears only.

Progress Towards (Name)'s Explosion: 98%

"I will make sure you suffer the pain that I've suffered." You whispered to yourself, targeting every living being in this room maybe even inside of the building itself


The screams of people was occured when you exploded. Negative feelings were spread out across your mind as you battle the urge to hurt them, the ones who is willing to help you.


The floor cracked on its own as the wave of your power causes it to do so, Floating knives and such started flying towards them, your doctors, as they screamed in pain, agony.

You were floating above from the ground as your hair waves like its underwater, your bright eyes were long gone and was replaced by a white bright one, no pupils and a spark of electricity can be seen around you or be heard if they can still hear it from all the screaming.

The ceiling crumbles into dust as people can be seen flying up above the clouds as they try to scream for help. The sky was dark and was about to rain.

The other doctor screamed before he can go flying up.

"(NAME)! THIS IS NOT YOU! TRY FIGHTING IT-I KNOW YOUR STILL THERE-ACK!" Before he could finish his sentence, something gripped on his neck choking him out from his breath.

Its your hand, gripping the neck tighter every second that has passed until they lose consciousness and die because of the oxygen that slowly disappeared.

"Shut your filthy mouth."

You voice echoed through the whole ground as the building that your standing in was long gone as the debris kept flying up from the clouds as they disappear including the people who went flying with it. Thunder and lightning was the only thing you can see or hear from the sky.

The main ground started to break with you in the middle of it, floating.

"Humans are such poor designs." You giggled as your vision starts to get blurry, then everything went black.




You gasp waking up from a very very strange dream.

You flutter your eyes open but the harsh sunlight beamed to your bare skin (and to your poor eyes) as you try to adjust your vision.

Coughing and baring the pain in your eyes in the process.

What you saw devastated you.

You remember being in a room with your therapist.

But you black out like someone just smack you in the head by a metal scrap or something but you're not hurt or injured.

The scenery was scary for you to look at. .

Everything around you was deserted, the walls and the floors of the hospital was long gone and some of the debris are still there but are already dusted.

No people, not even patients was seen and the dark clouds was replaced by lighter ones as the sun was out of the field.

A lone tear was dripping down from your eye, as you mumble something.

"What happened...?"


[Mwah]:Eyooo! Hope you like it! Dont forget to share if you think this is awesome, Vote and comment!come on! Dont be shy charot!

[Mini Reco or LemonadeFish]:like she said!
eDon't be shy! we won't hurt you, silly! Anyway im your second  ~♥ call me Ll for short.

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