Chapter 5.

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[ Zoe. ]

How am I going to tell Tyler I can't go to prom tomorrow night? He'd be heart broken. Shit. I shouldn't even go to school, I can't tell him in person. I should just text him, right? Maybe he'll take it better through text.

I still can't believe I'm going to miss out on the biggest event of the year. Ugh, why did I invite him inside? I'm so damn stupid! I had my hair curled and everything!

Fuck this, I'm going to sleep. I'll text him when I wake up.

I just ended up tossing & turning around in my bed, staring up at the ceiling the whole time. Something just hit me and it took the whole night to put some real thought into it. What if Tyler & I don't work? I feel like he's my bandaid to my wound & bandaids don't last forever.

I'm slowly recovering from a terrible break up. I'm taking therapy over it and everything. Yes, it was that bad. I just don't want Tyler to be a temporary thing, y'know? I don't want to unleash my problems all on to him. I hate making my problems someone else's. I go through a lot & I don't think he'd love a troubled girl. I'd be way too much for him right now. I'm almost sure of it. I do care about him and I wouldn't want that sweet boy to suffer because of me.

I know he's right for me but he'll be even better for someone else. Possibly a girl with less problems in her life. Maybe I should just let him go. I've came to the conclusion that we won't work.

I'm just scared he'll run away if I tell him what's really going on in my world. Either way, I won't have anyone.

[ Tyler. ]

Dude, I'm so happy right now. Today is prom! I know I sound super sus but I can't wait to spend the night with Zoe. Anything could happen. After all, it is prom. Possibly, sex. Ooooo, that'd be great, man.

I went to school and surprisingly, there was no sign of Zoe in any of my classes. Weird. I was almost sure she'd show up because tonight's prom. Oh well. Maybe she's looking for shoes or getting her hair did. Yeah, that's it. She's getting her hair did. Duh, Tyler.

. . .

School ended & I decided to pay Zoe a visit. She hasn't texted or anything so I'm a bit worried.

I arrived & stood in front of her window. I called her name over & over but there wasn't a response. I picked a few pebbles up & pelted them at her window.

Finally, she opened her curtains & lifted her window up.

Dude, she looked like she's been crying for hours but her hair did look good.

"Hey, um.. What's wrong? Why weren't you at school?" I asked, pushing my hands into my pockets.

She sniffled, "I can't go to prom. My mom grounded me..."

"Oh, fuck... Sorry, this was my fault-"

"No, it wasn't."

I looked down, "Is that why you're crying?"


"Oh, um... I really want you to come. I'd be heartbroken if you couldn't make it.." Sus, I know.

"I can't, I said I was grounded."

"Then sneak the hell out!"


"But what? I'm sure she's not going to beat you. The most she'll do is yell. This is the biggest night of high school, don't let your mom ruin it."

"I know, but-"

"Zoe, please."

"Fine, Tyler." She cracked a smile at me.

"Cool, I'll be back around six. Be ready!" I ran off.

Hopefully nothing bad happens. I'll be damned if her mother ruins this.

[ Zoe. ]

Six was just an hour away. I have to shower, do my makeup & pick out shoes. I darted into the shower & stayed in for about twenty minuets. I loved long showers, I always helped clear my clouded head.

I hopped out & grabbed my make up bag from off the top shelf. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. He's the only one I'd actually sneak out for. My mom leaves work at 8 so she can't stop me.

After my make up was finished, I zipped up my dress and slipped my feet into my heels. I twirled around a bit in the mirror, making sure everything was perfect. This is probably the last time I'll see Tyler so I had to make it count.

Five more minuets until 6. I heard a knock and ran downstairs, answering it. Ugh, Tyler looks too damn sexy in a suit. Of course he had his green hat on which actually complimented the suit.

He bit his lip & smiled, "Geez, you look so damn good."

"Thanks. Same to you." I put my hands on his shoulders, kissing his lips.

He snaked his arms around my waist & we ended up making out again.

I pulled away, "C'mon, let's go just in case my mom decides to leave work early."

We ran outside & hopped into the limo. I can't wait! This is actually happening.. Prom... with Tyler! Too bad I have to break it off, as much as I don't want to. Hopefully everything goes accordingly for our last date.

Pigs (Tyler, the Creator)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora