Chapter 3.

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[ Tyler. ]

I'm so proud of myself. I did really good yesterday. I didn't blow it, everything went smoothly. Who knows, she may even like me, too.

I went to school and bumped into Thebe, again in the halls. Great, I could tell him all about my progress. I'm sure he'd be happy to hear.

"What's up, dude?" He said, pulling the strings on his backpack.

"Nothing. Guess what, nigga." I smirked at him.

"What, faggot?"

"I found a bitch."

His eyes grew wide, "Dead ass!? Who is it?"

"Zoe." I smiled, looking down at my shoes.

When I said her name I couldn't stop thinking about her. I totally zoned out, dude. Thebe was saying some shit but I wasn't really listening. I can't wait from prom, it's going to be great.

"Dude, dude." Thebe called, patting my shoulder.

"What?" I said, slightly peeved that he tore me from my nasty thoughts.

"Her?" He pointed at Zoe.

She walked by and flashed me a smile. She had a mouth full of metal but somehow it was very attractive. I cheesed at her, waving.

"Dude, she's fucking hot. I'm proud of you." Thebe felicitated me.

"So am I. Prom is a week from now I'm hype as hell."

We talked about prom and our dates until the bell rang for first period. I have to see Zoe, again. I have a trick up my sleeve she'd surly fall for.

. . .

School ended & I figured this was a good time to tell Zoe about my plans. We were walking home together so what better time to do lay it on her?

"Zoe?" I called.

"Yeah?" She responded, looking at me.

"Would you like to come with me somewhere?"

"Depends where somewhere is."

"I couldn't tell you because that'd spoil the surprise." I put my arm around her shoulder.

She smiled, "Ugh, fine. As long as I'm safe, I guess."

"You're always safe around me." I said, kissing her cheek.

Her cheek turned a dark red, so she must've been blushing. Haha! That's fucking cool! I made her blush!

Anyways, we arrived. I could tell she loved it because her mouth fell open.

[ Zoe. ]

Boy, this is beautiful. We arrived at a lake and the flowers were breath-taking. Everything was breath-taking, actually. The sun's reflection in the lake was exquisite as well.

"Dude, this shit is amazing..." I said, walking near the lake.

"I knew you'd like it." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

I laughed, "Tyler."

"Yeah?" He muffled into my neck.

"Is this a date?"

"It's whatever you want it to be."

"Stop saying that! Is a date or not, 'cause I really wouldn't mind if it was." I turned towards him, staring at his lips.

He chuckled. His voice was deep and titillating so it rippled through my ear drums.

"Fine, it's a date then." He pulled my closer.

I looked into his big, brown, glitzy brown eyes before pressing my lips against his.

This felt so right.

I feel safe.

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