Chapter 4.

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[ Zoe. ]

Time is rushing by. Prom is tomorrow night! I just got back from dress shopping, now I'm in bed, texting Tyler. He keeps asking me what my dress looks like & such. I just reply with; "Lol, you'll see tomorrow night.", Only to have him ask again, haha.

To be honest, I'm extremely charged for tomorrow night with Tyler. I feel like... It'll be fun.

Tyler replied; "Yo, look out your window." I did as told & pushed my curtains open.

I chuckled, seeing Tyler in his supreme sweater & rad socks, looking up at me. I always loved the way he dressed.

I smiled, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see your dress."

I laughed, "I know you didn't come all the way over here for that. You know I'm not going to show you!"

"Dude, it's like eating me inside. Please show me?" He poked out his bottom lip.

I sighed, "No, Ty. Before you know it, tomorrow night will be here."

"Fine.... I walked over here for nothing.." He looked down at his shoes. "Can I come in?"

"Um, yeah."

"Wait, what? You said yeah? You're parents aren't home?"

"My mom went to visit my aunt & my father is.... somewhere." I wheezed.

"Oh, ok. Cool."

"Yeah, the door should be unlocked. Just come right up."

He did as told & jogged upstairs. I unlocked my door as he tackled me with a hug onto my bed.

I laughed, "Tyler, you bitch! Get off of me!"

"No, hoe! You're going to take this tickling like a woman!" He yelled, straddling me & going for my sides.

I began laughing, uncontrollably, "S-stop! I can't take anymore!"

He finally stopped as we just looked into each other's eyes. He was still hovering over my while my legs were fastened around his waist. He pushed his lips against mine as things instantly became heated. I took off his shirt as he took off mine & that's when I heard my knob twist.

"Zoe?! What the hell!? Who is this?!" My mom screamed as Tyler stumbled off of me, darting past her.

"Young man, come back here!" She yelled at him but he was already gone.

Good, now only one of us has to get beaten.

"Zoe, how dare you have a boy here while I'm gone?!"

"I'm sorry momma, but that's the thing, you were supposed to be gone! Why are you here?! Aren't you supposed to be with Aunty?!"

"Don't you dare flip this on me! Zoe, you're grounded! You're no longer going to prom and that's final! I don't care what you say or what you do, I expect you to be in this room alone tomorrow night!"

"But, mom!-"

"Grounded!" She screamed at me. "I'm grateful I came in time, otherwise I would've been a damn grandma!" She scowled at me, shutting the door behind her.

Fuck shit.

* * *

This is a short story so don't it expect it to be over ten chapters, I guess. Dress in media.

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