1. Selfless

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Hello everyone! The time has come, here is the first chapter of Always on the Run. Are you ready for even more adventures?

Before I start the chapter, I just want to let you all know that Always the Bride will be featured from the 11th September. I'm very excited that Wattpad viewed it as a unique enough story to feature it. I also wanted to thank you all for supporting this because if it was really bad, it wouldn't have got this far.

In time, maybe AOTR will be featured? Anyway, here is the first chapter. I will update as often as I can but just remember I do work full time so there may be delays. Either way, this will never be forgotten. This series means too much to me. :)

Here we go. Happy reading and don't forget to vote and comment!


It feels like I’m a spring. My insides are jumping about in excitement as I think about my decision. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. For once I know what I want and I have never been happier. All I want to do is scream and jump around like a lunatic. I’ll worry about everything—that everything being Julian—later. Right now all I want is to be with Jamie and make a plan.

I follow the directions to his new location and my grin widens. I can only imagine how much fun we’re going to have together. He’ll make identities and I’ll get my gifts…what’s not to like about it? Life is going to be absolutely brilliant! Okay so this was never the life I wanted but who am I to complain? I’m happy nothing else matters.

As I turn a corner, my thoughts drift in a direction I know they shouldn’t. Mrs Teresa Finnegan. That has a ring to it. Teresa May Finnegan…I like that.

Suddenly I slam my foot on the break and come to a screeching stop. A horn blares from behind then I see a car swerve and pass me, narrowly missing my bumper. I’m too shocked to really care. I grip the steering wheel tightly and stare out the window, breathing heavily. What the hell am I thinking? Jamie made it clear what our relationship would be like, which means I can’t go thinking things like that anymore. Besides, isn’t that part of my life over now?

Shaking my head I rest it on the headrest and close my eyes for a moment. Okay time to take a few deep breaths and refocus. I know for a fact I want to be with Jamie. I’ve accepted that it will be a no strings attached arrangement and I’m okay with it. So where did those thoughts come from?

Old habits die hard, Teresa. Just be on your guard from now on.

I open my eyes again and lift my head. Right, I’m calm again. I can’t afford to have moments like these. Jamie will kick me out before we can start anything.

Putting the car back into gear, I check the mirrors then slowly pull away from the curb. It’s only a couple of minutes later when I park again, this time in an abandoned car park a few streets away from Jamie’s address. I’m over my freak out moment and my mind is focused on Jamie and what we plan to do. My smile has returned and I’m eager to see him so we can get this rolling.

Removing my seatbelt, I take the keys out of the ignition then open the door. I just get one foot out the car when my phone rings. I reach into my pocket for it and see Jamie’s name flashing on the screen. My heart lurches and my smile widens. I didn’t tell him I was coming, wanting to surprise him. I suppose now is as good a time as any.

“Hi Jamie,” I greet, slightly breathlessly.

“You have to get away,” he whispers urgently into the phone.

My grin disappears and I instinctively pull my foot back into the car. “What?” The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. “Jamie, what’s wrong?”

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