Ch. 9: as time passes us by

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Eventually Christmas drifted away leaving only memories of Jake, opening the earring you got him and you, blushing as he hugged you and whispered "thank you." In your ear. Katrina's face as you finally explained why you had gotten a electric toy train set for Aaron: he always told you he wanted one as a kid but never got one because of how many siblings he had. Christmas had become yet another memory and the new year had started with a call from your mother.
"Y/n, it's West. He was having trouble breathing last night." You had interrupted her. "Mom, what is going on, is he okay? You're scaring me!" You could hear the slight rasp in her voice as if she'd been crying all night. "We had to take him to the hospital this morning, the doctor said the CF is getting even worse and that we should put him on the transplant list for a new set." You had grabbed the wall to steady yourself, "Of lungs!?!". Mom's voice quavered, "yes, they said it should be okay because they're putting him near the top of the list, but I don't know... it could be years before... I know it wasn't bad at all when you left but, do you think.. maybe-" You had cut her off, "Of course, I'm coming home mom."
It was the next day, January 3rd.  You didn't want to get out of bed. You didn't bother taking off your makeup last night and instead just went to bed, clothes and all. Now, you felt the mascara smudged across your face from a mixture of crying and sleeping. You tore yourself from your sheets and immediately you were smacked by the cold wood floor as you stood up. You walked to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. On the way you noticed Jake in the kitchen but didn't look directly at him, so he wouldn't see the mess of mascara that was closer to being a Picasso painting than a face of make up. Locking the bathroom door, you turned on the sink and drenched you face in the cold water.
You decided to spend the rest of the day in your room. You listened to the conversations going on in the kitchen. Only bits and pieces were audible: "have you seen..." , " ..not sure probably in.. " , "Okay". Immediately you were enlightened by the missing pieces of the conversation when there was a knock at your door. "It's open." You say pulling up your blanket to mask the fact that you were still in what you slept in. Without hesitation the door swung open  revealing Jake, in his new no name hoodie and black jeans. "Need some company?" He smiled sympathetically. "Okay." You say quietly. Jake walked over to the corner of your bed and sat down. "Do you remember the first time we met?" His question brought a smile across your lips. You realize this is the first time you've smiled today, "Of course I do, how could I forget you completely mowing me over like a damn tractor." He laughed and turned to you. "Y/n, these past couple of months have changed me into the person I've always wanted to be. And I feel like it's all because of you." You look at him, confusion replacing the smile, "Jake I don't think..." "No I'm serious! Like, I don't know what it is but I constantly want to be around you, because whenever I am I feel happy instead of- well you know.. but I really hope th-" You put your hand on his arm, "Jake, I'm going home."  Jake scrunched his eyebrows and turned to look at your closet. He was looking at the boxes that were empty only last week, but were now filled to the brim. He turned back to you, "I- I don't understand.. you're.. moving back home? Like for good?" You turn your head away so he can't see the tears welling up slowly, "My plane leaves at 6 on Friday." Jake stood up. "Friday? It's Tuesday! When were you going to tell me this?" Not caring about the hot tears streaming down your face you look him fiercely in the eyes. God, those eyes. "I wasn't. There are some things your better off not knowing." He sat back down on your bed and grabbed your hands. "What are you talking about." "I have issues Jake! You may think I'm good for you now, but once you know the whole story you'll want to get as far away from me as you can, so that's why I'm leaving first. I'm not a happy person. I don't have a happy life. I live in worry Jake."
     "That's why we could never be together."

I want to name your character!!
("Y/n" sounds too detached)
I have a few names picked out already, comment which one you like and I'll choose the one that has the most votes, OR you can comment a name you think I'll like. Xx Cam
Arden       Clementine (Clem for short)
Beck          Jensen (Jen)
Jolie          Jackie
Name will be chosen March 1st or before my next chapter comes out. (Depends on how many comments I get)

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