This is why I don't go out much

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The cold lake breeze washed past my face, stinging my cheeks as I looked down at the safe haven I built in the twilight gloom. The silence was refreshing after hours of training in the fields with the clashing of metal on metal, the thumping of arrows in the straw dummies, and the groans of those not fast enough to avoid being smacked by the training weapons. Footsteps rang unusually loud in the peaceful gloom.

 "So THIS is your secret hiding spot, I must say, I'm impressed that you went so far as to create a secret entrance" said a familiar voice from behind me. "Yes, It's often nice to get away form the rest of the world. How did you find it?" I asked, turning away from the dying light of the setting sun to face my college and best friend, Alexander Meridian. " I was waiting for you in your office to suggest we get out of this place for a couple hours tomorrow and do something fun like we used to, before we got all busy with this place. I was looking through your books and and found one that interested me and pulled the bookcase open. I've go to say that's pretty cliche, even for you. So how about it?" He asked. " I don't know, I've got to manage the treaties with the angles and review defense plans, as well meet with the order masters, as do you, and I need to work on my magic and..." "Enough. You can reschedule the meeting to the day after and the others can finish up on the treaties. As for the magic, you are the strongest sorcerer in the land and a master in the art of spell casting. Come on, it's only a few hours. You haven't left this castle to have fun since last year! How about we go to that new Laser Tag arena in town". I wanted to say no but laser tag is hard to pass up, and Alex knew that. I so badly wanted to wipe that smug look of his face! It was so tempting to curse him for an hour or so just to get a little bit of revenge, but no, that would be unprofessional. I'll just have to wipe the floor with in sparring tomorrow. "Fiiiiiiiiiine, I suppose that a few hours wouldn't be that bad and the treaties practicably done, but you know you're in for it tomorrow, got it?" I conceded, holding back a simile as I saw his smile falter a little bit and his face paled a little. "Deal".


Speeding down the country road at sun set, a silver Olds Mobile with velvet seats rode in to town, parking at The Edge laser tag arena.

Alex stepped out of the car, still rubbing his rear from the 'whooping' it had received earlier that morning. "You know, you didn't have to embarrass me so much in front of the sword students" he complained. "I know" I replied nonchalantly, receiving an eye roll form him. We went in and paid for a few hours and picked out our classes. We were put on two teams of ten, me and Alex on opposite teams. Alex chose the assault class with a burst shot laser-rifle. I chose the gunslinger class with two ten shot laser-pistols. All went well the first ten round or so went well, me scoring most points and tagging Alex every once and a while. Then people is sunglasses and pitch black suits came in while everyone else left. We were sorted into new teams with all the new people on one team and me and Alex on the other. While going with Alex to find a starting position I mentioned that something seemed off, receiving a nod in response. When we found our spot he said "They don't seem human. A, they're too pail to be from around these parts and B, who wears a suit to do laser tag". He peaked around the corner and noticed one of the black suits. Apparently the black suit saw him too and shot in his direction. Alex ducked back around, and just in time because the laser shot was crimson red, and put a burning hole in the thin wall. "Well that explains the sunglasses, they're demons. See why I don't go out much anymore!" I stated. "I see your point. Now to deal with them" he replied, casting aside his rifle and summoning his sword, a dark gray steal blade with a ruby in a topaz eyed dragons mouth at the pommel and talon like cross guards. He charged the demon, deflecting shots as he went. I, however, was smarter. Directing energy into my laser-pistols, I muttered "Thgirb tohs", watching the tips of the barrels start to glow with a white light. I shot at the demon alex was trying to get close to with the white laser, disintegrating the demon instantly. He turned and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I blew at the barrel of the pistol I shot like they did in  the movies, receiving another eye roll, before putting the same spell on his rifle and tossing it to him. We split up and went through the labyrinth of turns, blasting every demon that we saw. I turned the corner and found the last one. This one discarded his blaster and held a pitch black, obsidian blade. This one appeared to be more of a dark crimson suit instead of the common black one. His voice came out mutated and overlapped "Ah, at last, the famous magician I've heard so much about. I've been promised a handsome amount of darksteel for your head" "Your going to have to be more specific on who is paying you, for many want my head" I shot back. He just raised his blade and walked slowly towards me. I shot at him, expecting him to fall like the rest. Flicked his wrist sending the bolt flying into the wall. I shot a barrage of shots at him with my twin pistols, only ending with more scorch marks on the walls. Dropping the pistols, I summoned a sword of blazing white light with utterance of a spell, swinging at the annoyance. The demon blocked and struck in return, being parried by my blade. This exchange went on for a few minutes before I locked my blade with his and drove it to the floor and decapitating him with an upward slash. His sword dropped to the floor, being the only remaining evidence that he had existed. I picked it up and worked my way back to the entrance to meet up with Alex.


When we got to the car I grabbed a stick off the ground and expanded and shaped it to be a sheath for the demon blade and threw it in the back. Alex looked at me like I was crazy asking "Why are you taking that? It's got demon written all over it and none will want to use it. Why not just destroy it and be rid of it?". "Because," I replied, exasperated with his stupidity as I usually was "We can melt it down and use it to forge a new blade or weapon of some kind for someone new and it can be re-enchanted to fit our needs. I honestly don't know why I have as second in command". "It's because I'm the only on that has a chance at beating you" he responds with a smile tugging a his lips. "You mean the only one to last over a minute in the ring with me" I corrected cheekily. "You right!" he said, bursting out into laughter joined by me as we sped back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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