"So I found this haggard-ass homeless lady who told me about this dude. Full hardcore. He was collecting memorabilia, like we learned about in class. So I waited for him, crept up on him. This dude, he was about to stab me with a screwdriver. And I found this pipe. I crushed that fool's head in. Dumpstered the body.
Set it on fire and got out of there." Willie explained his victim.

Edith didn't believe him, and why would she? She knew Willie wasn't a killer. He never had been, that was the first thing that she had figured out about him when he arrived at Kings Dominion.

She could tell Master Lin didn't believe him either, but he didn't say anything.

"70% of soldiers don't pull the trigger in battle, no matter the stakes. The weak always choke in the face of killing. With fear of expulsion, all your hopes and dreams, all your family's expectations, only one of you could do it, so we'll have a new test." Master Lin said as he walked around the classroom, he slammed his cane on a desk, making everyone jump. "A final chance to prove your worth. Survive and you earn a place here. Fail and you die. The weak do not belong in my school. Go. Get out of my sight." He said as everyone packed up their things.

"Had a guy, but I couldn't find proof." Saya mumbled as she placed her hand on her forehead.

"I hobbled a jaywalker. Was best I could find!" Viktor punched the walls.

"Burning a package for my old man." Chico shook his head.

"My fault, baby." Maria said, putting the blame on herself. "I should have done-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." Chico mumbled.

Gates closed, locking everyone in.

Edith couldn't believe she was locked in her with these people, unimpressed she let go of a sigh.

"I'm alive without breath and cold as death. I'm never thirsty but always drinking. What am I? To pass this quiz and survive the poison gas, you need to make it to the botanical classroom and answer that riddle in five minutes." Master Lin said over the intercom.

"Okay, small breaths." Saya said placing her hand on Marcus shoulder. Edith rolled her eyes, she felt irritated at the shared moment between them for some reason. "Control your heart rate and take it slow."

"Hey, I-I think I can help." Marcus said to Viktor who attempted to lift up the gate.

"I think you can screw off. What is this loser Rat doing in AP class?" Brandy questioned as Marcus pulled a bobby pin from her hair. "Get your hands off of me." Marcus picked the lock to the gate, making it swing open.

"Out of the way rat." Brandy said pushing past him.

"Your table awaits, Jocko." Marcus shouted. Edith patted his back and gave him a small, proud smile.

"Come on." Chico instructed.

Edith coughed up some blood into her palm, which made her anxiety shoot up.

The walked through the empty corridors, looking around every corner. Marcus stepped on a title and the doors started shutting. Two monks came out and twirled their canes around. Edith rolled up her sleeves, she managed to get one punch in before the monk threw her against the wall.

"We have to do this together!" Saya shouted as she and Marcus knocked down a monk. Marcus grabbed Edith's arm and pulled her with him out of the room just before the door shut.

"Wait, don't leave us!" They all stumbled into the botanical classroom with blood streaming down their faces.

"One of these is the antidote." Marcus stated looking around the room.

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