I was a child of God. I was a child of God. I was a child of—

Fucking Jesus, I would've sacrificed myself to look at what was underneath that gothic bralette.

Pushing a breath out, I turned my eyes back to the screen and saw her reply to my previous comment. Stop messing with my things.

I had stopped alright, and while that was usually a good thing, that was a bad thing in this case. Because if I stopped looking into her files, that meant I suddenly had grown a conscious... and if I had grown a conscious... then goddamn it if my heart didn't start to control my actions.

And that stupid thing had gotten me in trouble before. Exactly the reason why I told Elana to keep it with her, so that I at least knew the right person had it – the one it was supposed to be reserved for, solely and alone. Period.

But then that Blue-haired smurf girl just had to flash me her underwear, didn't she.

Man, I wish I wasn't such a guy.

– Or that she wasn't such a pretty girl. I was only human, after all.

Lost in thought, my eyes jerked up when all of a sudden my computer blared with a warning. Why, hello? Entertainment, is that you?

My forehead then slowly creased as I saw it wasn't in fact a warning from my computer, but from Zoe's. At first I thought she might actually have found a way through—but now saw that it was the exact opposite.

Someone was hacking into her computer. Someone good. They were trying to gain access to her laptop, but because of my program, it was on complete lockdown from the outside world. Still, this person was persistent, running all sorts of tests on the firewalls, testing the fields...

My hands moved across my keyboard and typed a code that would give me the person's IP. After a short moment, it came back, but to my frustration, I didn't recognize it. It meant someone random was trying to hack her computer... but why?

I took a beat to think. So far, I had several theories. One, perhaps the smurf was trying to find an alternate way into her laptop by going through another laptop to see if she could bypass my program that way... but that would mean she would have to be at two places at once, which, after a quick glance through her webcam, I saw that she wasn't. She was in front of her laptop, eating funions while typing away on her laptop, oblivious to the hacker currently trying to penetrate her computer. Well... the second one.

My brows furrowed even further. That meant the only other theory it could be was that someone was actually hacking her and I just didn't believe in coincidences. If someone was hacking her laptop, then it was because someone knew something was going on with her... maybe her inability to hack because of my program had caused a rise in suspicion with someone else. Maybe she had concerned cyber friends?

I cracked my neck and concentrated. Okay. There was only one course of action; find out which idiot was trying to hack my Smurf's laptop and burn them to the ground.

Whoaaaa, hold up. Your smurf?


Shaking my head, I started my program to identify and track the IP, getting a location on the hacker. The seconds ticked by, my laptop crunched the numbers...

With a ping, the result came up – and then made my jaw go down again.

It was her address. The Barbie—I mean, Mia's. The girl Eli was staying with. Was it possible... that he had somehow... found a way?

Hacker (CENTURIES series: Book #5) (VERY SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now