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[the top hat boy]


Lewis grabbed the candy from L.J's hand and threw it to the ground.
"I don't want to deal with your drug shit right now"He huffed.
Elijah observed.His eyes scaned the amended scene.
Lewis left the area.
Elijah followed him.
"Im sorry for his,Incompent actions...."He remarked.

Silent Silver P.O.V

The tears trailed down my cheecks.
I heard a knocking on the door.
I turnt to see Elijah.
"You left this..."He slipped over a small letter on the slot.
I chuckled.
"Don't waste your self on tears,Live your other 50 years,Take it from me..."He said before leaving like he always does.
I opened the black envelope.

My Dearest Lewis,
I hope this letter finds you in good health,The sky is grim here,
This letter will resemble my last words to you,My grief of the lost of your jokes,Puns,Laughter,Hoping we meet soon,Your love,
Your psycho,Your lass,And your mon ami,Sincerely Yours,Stiches.

I smiled.
The envelope consisted of a picture.
I placed the letter inside the drawer in the small space.
I looked at the camera.
"fuck.you."i laughed demonically.

Reader P.O.V

"TO THE FIELD!"The annocer said.
The two parties were separated by one line.
"Send out your killers"
The top hat guy walked in the empty area.
Silver followed him.

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