.two party system.

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(basically what silent silver looks like)

Reader's P.O.V

"Oh...That,Well,There's a two party system here,Its which area your placed in,Im In R.O.K,Responsible Obedient Killers area,The other one is I.U.K,The childish ones,Like that Clown"
"Anyways,The operator gives you a static if you don't obey"
"(C/N),Please go to Proxy Masky for  your area"The speakers said.
"That's your que,Kid"
"See ya"He dissapeared.
I walked up to the feminine masked man.
"Thanks"He handed me a blank piece of paper.
"The Category is U.S constitution"He said.
I nodded,As i started to write.

Silent Silver P.O.V

In the span of six months,I haven't seen the girl,And the clown's been pacing in his room for this long....
"Did you hear,The girl,In the Span of six months she wrote 51 essays on the U.S constitution"Someone whispered into my ear.
I chuckled.
'Heh,She's almost on my record'I thought.
The Kiddo had left Masky's little area.
She runs towards me.
"You almost got to my record,Kiddo,Unlike you,I wrote 72 essays on Thomas Jefferson"I patted her back.
Her eyes shot open.
Then she went to thought.
"And here's the piasta restaunance,Both Parties been worried about ya"

Reader's P.O.V

72 essays...............ON THOMAS JEFFERSON?!.
"PRINCESS!"I heard yelling behind me.
Silver started removing his left black gloove.
Black Claws sprouted out.
"But we dream in the dark for the most part..."I heard him say under his breath.
L.J hugged me,And Jeff the Killer and Happy Appy with someone with a black top hat.
A knife flew towards the blonde.
The bleached skinned man has a huge claw cut on his chest.
The blonde huffed,Placing back his left claw,And his claws dissapeared.
Black liquid dripped from his cheek.

His eyes were filled with hatred.
The man with the top hat rushed towards his side.
His mouth guard had popped off.
A giant marking showing his right side teeth.
The realization of him being familiar.
I ignored it.
"Get off me,Jack"
"Aww!"He pouted.

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