Dean's Birthday

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This is also a major time skip soooooo
Ok so today is Dean's birthday and I want to do something special for him. I mean he is turning 33 so I think it's best if I do something for him. I snuck out of the hotel room and went to the arena where we were wrestling at. I finally found Vince's office. Then like any rational person I knocked on the door. "Come in!" A raspy voice yelled. Yep that's him. "Hey Vince I was wondering if you could do something for me." I said awkwardly waving. "Ok what is it?" "It's about Jon's birthday today." "Ok tell me." I sat down and told him the whole plan. "I like the way you think Ms. Mendez." Vince said smiling at my idea. "Thank you Mr. McMahon, it's deeply appreciated." I said thanking him before I left his office. Happy Birthday Baby!!
A Few Hours Later (inner spongebob voice)
"Baby!! Wake up!" I yelled jumping on him. "Owwwwww!" Dean groaned. "Sorry babe." I said kissing him. "Now wake up!!" I said. "Why?" Dammit AJ lie come on AJ lie!! "I want you to escort me to the ring." "Ok baby I'll get up." "Yayyyy!" I yelled jumping into his arms.
Dean's POV
Ok I get it, we haven't been dating for a long time but did AJ seriously forget my birthday?! I can't believe her!! But it's whatever people always forget my birthday, even my fucking parents.
At the Arena
Right now I'm standing in the gorilla waiting on AJ's match. Then Seth comes out and issues an open challenge, suddenly my music played. I was a little confused but I went out there anyways. "Oh so you want this Ambrose!" Seth yelled at me. "Yes." I said sternly while dropping the microphone. In some parts of the matches I tried to talk to Seth and finally I caught his attention. "Hey Colby why the fuck am I fighting you right now." I whispered. "Happy Birthday brotha. You can thank AJ for that one." He whispered back. I smiled thinking about AJ doing that for me. "Hey dude this is the close." Seth whispered breaking my trance. "Ok got you." I replied. Seth went for the curb stomp which I countered into the Dirty Deeds and I went for the pin...
Ding ding ding!! Your winner and new Intercontinental Champion, Dean Ambrose!!
Then AJ ran out and and jumped in my arms then she kissed me and I kissed back. She finally pulled away. We then clinked our titles together while the fans chanted AJ Ambrose.
"Happy birthday handsome." AJ said kissing my cheek. "Thank you beautiful." I said smiling. "Why did you do that for me?" I asked. "Because, baby, you deserve it and I know how much you want that title." She said laying her head on my lap. "I love you baby." I whispered while stroking her hair. "I love you too Jon." She smiled.
Back Home and AJ's POV
"Babe I'm tired." I heard Dean mumble. "Then go to sleep I need to put my clothes in the washer and I'll join you." "Ok baby." I went to pick my ring gear in the washer and I climb in the bed with Jon. "Goodnight Deanie." I said shifting my body to face Dean. "Goodnight princess." He said putting his arm around me. For once in my life I felt safe.

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