My First Big Match

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As Stephanie was about to tell me about the new script for my storyline Vince surprised me with a match. "Hey AJ, sorry Steph, I need you in a match tonight." Vince uttered out of his mouth because he didn't want anyone to know. I was so excited to be back. "Ok against who?" "You will have a simple tag team match you will be teaming up with Sasha and Bayley against Alexa's crew or whatever Alexa calls her minions." I was surprised he called Alexa's whatever that I thought he loved Alexa but I'm not gonna ask him about it. "Leading up to my match with her for the Raw Women's Championship at SummerSlam, right?" I wasn't really sure of myself because WWE likes to bury talent and if that's happening to me I'll just leave again. "Yes AJ that's why you are so good to work with. Again welcome back." I got a little happy inside hearing Vince saying he likes working with me is great. He patted me on the shoulder and left. Almost instantly I heard a worker say I was on in 10 I just nodded my head. So if you didn't know already I just came back to WWE as number 30 in the first ever Women's Royal Rumble then at Wrestlemania I won against Alexa but it was by disqualification so she kept the title but then Vince gave me my last shot. Then I got put in a love storyline with Seth Rollins, not my favorite but it is ok. And you are probably thinking what happened to Punk. Well ummm.... I broke up with him. After my book was published he always controlled and abused me and I broke free back to the thing I love most- WWE.
*skip match*
Of course we won the match but he let Sasha take the victory because WWE never let her win any matches lately. Those ladies are really good in the ring! But this is what happened.
Michael Cole- Sasha tags AJ! AJ Lee shining wizard. AJ tags and Bayley. Bayley to Belly to Alexa. Bayley tags Sasha. Sasha put Alexa in the Bank Statement. Will she tap? Will the champion tap and she does?!?!
*flashback over*
After the match I got backstage and Seth comes and congratulates me. Except he has a friend? "Hey AJ! Congrats on the win." "Thanks Seth." "Um excuse me Seth who the fuck is this." His friend turned around and it was DEAN AMBROSE!! My favorite member of The Shield is right in front of me. He has a haircut now. "Dean calm down! This is AJ my onscreen girlfriend." Seth said smiling. "Oh my gosh you're AJ Lee!" He said excitedly. "Yes I am!" I said blushing just a tad. "Well I don't care don't hoe around with my brother." My mouth dropped wide open. "Sorry AJ he can be a prick sometimes." Seth said apologizing "I see!" "AJ! Can I see you in my office?" It was Steph. "Ok!" As I rushed over to her office. " I don't have much to say to you just read the script and follow it word for word." She said it sternly so it be important. I read it and brought it to Dean and Seth. Me and Dean looking at each other. And then we look back at each other. "EW WHAT NO!!!!" We said it in unison which made it 10 times more awkward.

So how was it I don't really know this is my first story that I made so give me some opinions!!

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