Meeting The Parents

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Today I'm meeting Jon's parents! I'm so excited to know what he did back home and what his childhood was like. His parents can definitely tell me that and maybe our childhood traumas could bring us closer in an odd fashion. Since Dean was still asleep I went into our hotel kitchen and made me some coffee. Then I decided to take a shower and get dressed for today. "Baby! Where are you?" I heard Dean yell from outside the door. "I'm taking a shower I'll be out in a minute!" I yelled back.

After I got done with the shower I remembered I forgot my clothes. "Fuck!" I yelled in anger. "Babe close your eyes I need to get my clothes!" I said as I wrapped a towel around my petite frame. "AJ Lee in a towel? There is no way I'm missing that." He responded. "Please baby!" I whined. "Fine. You can come out." Dean said. I peeked out of the door to make sure his eyes were closed. I tip toed to my luggage and picked out my outfit and ran back into the bathroom and slammed the door. "Can I open my eyes?" Dean asked. I came out of the bathroom fully dressed. "Yes baby. And thank you for respecting my privacy." AJ said pecking Dean's lips. "No problem my love." Dean said smiling with that adorable smile of his. "Ready baby?" I asked. "Yes." Dean said looking up from his phone. And we went driving to his parents' house. "Princess we are here." Dean said softly. "Ok baby." We knocked and his mom, who looked severely drunk, welcomed us with a warm smile. Maybe they aren't so bad after all. "Mom, this is-" "I know who Renee is sweetie." UM WHAT?! I'm pissed. AND I'M NOT RENEE FUCKING YOUNG!! "Actually Maria this is AJ my girlfriend." Dean said also pissed at the sound of her name. "Ohhhh AJ Lee the biggest whore of the century." I had enough. "YOU KNOW WHAT, I'M DONE!! WE HAVEN'T EVEN TALKED TO EACH OTHER ONCE NOT EVEN A HEY AND YOU JUDGE ME!!! YOU ARE JUST A DRUNK BITCH AND YOU DON'T DESERVE DEAN. DEAN HAS DONE NOTHING BUT BREATHE AND YOU ACT LIKE THAT'S A CARDINAL SIN!!" I was finally finished with my mini-rant. "You know what I'm going to be in the car baby. I love you." I said kissing his cheek. I then grabbed my purse and left after slamming the door.
Dean's POV
Dammit Maria always has to ruin shit!! "SEE WHAT YOU DID MOM!?" I yelled. "YOU KNOW WHAT GO FUCK YOURSELF MARIA!! YOU ARE NO LONGER MY MOM!" I yelled at her. "I'm leaving." I said calmly. Slamming the door on my way out. I go inside the car and see AJ crying. "Baby why are you crying?" I said almost crying myself. I hated seeing AJ cry it breaks my heart to see her sad. "Am I really a whore?" She replied with a question of her own. "No baby you aren't. You are the best woman in the world." I said wiping her tears. "Can we go home?" She asked. "Of course baby whatever you want." I said putting the car in gear. Finally we made it home. AJ fell asleep during the 20 minute ride so I picked her up bridal style and put her in the bed. After that I put on a different shirt and a pair of pants and fell asleep beside AJ. "I love you babe." I said whispered in her ear. I kissed her forehead and put my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me. Soon I fell into a deep sleep.

This was actually pretty damn short 😂😂

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