I think I like you

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I woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed. I guess you could say...... happy. I haven't been truly happy my whole life. I mean dealing with depression isn't easy to just get over and start over. I'm somewhere different. Oh wait! I'm at Dean and I's hotel room. Something about him maybe his new haircut, or his muscles. And most breathtaking his blue eyes. I don't understand what is wrong with me. I'm all the sudden giddy and happy. Then I stop daydreaming when I hear a knock on the door.
"Hey it's Dean! Can I come in?" "Sure." I replied opening the door. And I see Dean with pink and BLACK roses. "You know you have a key ri- Oh my gosh Deanie! They are beautiful but I must ask, how the hell did you get BLACK roses." "I just bought fake ones and spray painted them black but the pink roses are 100% real." "Well thank you." I started blushing no one ever bought me flowers not even Punk but I was never a big fan of them anyways. I took them and put them on the dinner table. "Ready for Raw!" I said after the LONG pause of silence. "Actually I'm a little excited for Raw tonight I have never really been in a romantic storyline before so I want to know what it's like." I just smiled looking up making eye contact with him. "Well there is A LOT of kissing." I stated with emphasis on the word "a lot". He chuckled "Yeah I bet." Then we go down to the hotel lobby and get our keys and go to the arena.
At the Arena
"I need to work out a bit ok?" I was gaining some weight so I'll just work out. "Ok I'll just go too." Dean replied. We leave to go to the gym.
Dean's POV
I feel like there is something going on with me. I mean it might be AJ? OMG am I in.... love? I mean it might be her petite frame or her beautiful dark brown hair. Or most importantly her brown eyes that you could get lost in. Something about her it hits me. When we walk in the gym she immediately goes to the weights not like 15 pound weights but like 75-100 pound weights. And she does it with EASE! I just go to the punching bag but I never throw a punch I just look at AJ. It's like I'm in a trance when I see her. "Hey Ambrose take a picture it'll last longer." AJ said laughing while still lifting weights. I snapped out of my trance. "I wasn't even staring at you AJ you just want all the attention on you." I lied. Then we go to the arena again to do our match.
*skip match*
Of course we both won since me and AJ were tired we went straight to the hotel. "Damn it! Deannnnnnnn! They only have one bed." AJ said whiny. "Ok. And? I'm still sleeping on the bed." I said more sarcastic than usual. "Deanie." "Yes AJ." "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I froze completely. "N- ye- wh- uhhmmmm suuuuurrrrreeeeee." "Thank you Deanie!" She yelled as she wrapped her legs around me.
Bed Convo
I always wanted to tell AJ this before anyone else would. "Hey Apes." "Yes Deanie." She said as she turned over on her side facing me. "I-I think I-I-um like you." AJ's face turned from playful to serious fast. "Me too." My mouth almost dropped to the ground, literally. "Oh r-r-really." "Yeah I mean who wouldn't." I started to blush just a tad bit. "Wow! That was a weight lifted off of my shoulders." I said with a sigh of relief. We both turned on our back and stared at the ceiling. "So what does that make us?" I asked. "I don't know yet but we will figure it out." She replies in the most cliche way possible but still made it so damn romantic. Then our fingers intertwined with each other. And I could see her smile when she looked down at our hands. For once in my life, I felt loved.
Ok so how did I do?!?!

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