Rose (OTP - Analogical)

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Ship: Analogical

TW: elements of homophobia (not quite), swearing

Word count: 2517

(Late) Valentine's Day Special

Note is at the bottom!

"You know, Virgil, that this isn't so scary. You just. Diminished my costume quality. That's all."

"Careful. Or it'll be Thomas' girl phase next."

"Ugh, you mean when he feigned an attraction towards women?"

"You mean the first twenty-three years of my life?"


Upon entering the Control Room, Logan paused, his foot hovering in the air mid-step. He opened in mouth to utter a question, thought better of it, and decided to back away slowly. He entered not a few seconds later, pausing again to snatch his glasses off the bridge of his nose to clean them with his tie.

Once he'd placed them back on, he was almost tempted to try cleaning them again. Instead, he cleared his throat. "Am I hallucinating? What is this?"

"It's Love!" Roman exclaimed with the enthusiasm of a child, bouncing around the room on the tips of his toes. "It's Valentine's! Love is in the air!"

"If by Love, you mean the permeating, cloying, overly strong scent of roses, then it appears so." Logan eyed the room with distaste, noting the extravagant bouquets of flowers around the corners of the room which were no doubt Roman's doing.

"Aw, lighten up Logic! Love is so cute!" Patton gushed from beside a flower wall--a literal flower wall--as he pressed the pads of his fingers gently to the petals of some kind of camellia.

"I would not mind indulging your whims would it not be for the fact that cleaning up this mess will be tedious and time-consuming."

"Oh, don't be such a spoilsport!" Roman tutted, raising an accusing finger at him. "Thomas has had a rough few days at school. Perhaps finding the woman of his dreams will make him happier!"

"He has not shown interest in anyone thus far. Why do you believe he will suddenly discover someone today?"

"Because love is a powerful thing. It is not something you can escape. Don't underestimate it, Logic Sanders."

If the atmosphere changed all of a sudden, and if Roman's eyes were blazing with a passionate flame that looked as if it would sear through Logan's soul and break down his protective walls, no one mentioned it. If Patton had stopped fiddling with the flowers, and if he had joined Roman's side with a resolute nod, no one mentioned it.

Logan scoffed, rolling his eyes. "He's only fourteen."

"That's not what I meant. You'll understand someday."


He took his leave, not glancing behind him for even a second as he took long strides away from the lingering scent of perfumed flowers and thorny roses.

Halfway to his room, he suddenly swerved towards the kitchen, deciding to overwrite the pungent sweetness with a bitter, sugarless coffee. Sighing, he carded a hand through his brown locks--he made a mental note to remind Thomas to get it trimmed soon--whilst reaching for his mug.

In the midst of stirring his brew absently and shoving Roman's bewildering words to the back of his mind, he heard a faint shuffling of feet behind him. His stirring faltered for a second before he decided to set the spoon down and take a swig as if it were hard alcohol.

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