My eyelids were heavy, weighing down. I decided not to strain them and kept them shut.

I wriggled my toes against the warm covers and soon enough, my foggy mind became increasingly alert. I began to hear hushed murmurs beside me.

"It's only a mild head injury. You have nothing to worry about," a lady kindly reassured someone. There was some shuffling of feet.

"Are you sure?" a familiar voice asked, concern dripping off his question. I tensed as I recognised the voice to belong to Jake.

"I'm sure. Look, it could've been a lot worse if you weren't there at the right time."

That's when I remembered the feel of Ryan's hands clenched around my throat in attempt to suffocate me. That under his sweet and pleading facade, a cruel, conniving monster lurked.

That bastard.

And then there was the same addicting voice that was talking in the room now. How had he managed to keep Ryan away from me? How had he known where I was? And most importantly, why did he sound so enraged, like he was fueled off the sight of me getting hurt? What an extremely difficult puzzle piece he was. I didn't understand him at all.

"I know," he said simply. "I think I'll wait outside for a bit longer." And with that, I heard dull footsteps and the door swing open.

I faintly heard someone speak before Jake replied with a "No, not yet," and he then exited the room completely.

There was a slight pause. "How is she?" The voice of my mother quietly sounded.

"Mom?" I asked hazily, squinting my eyes open. The bright light glared menacingly, causing me to quickly shut them again.

"Oh, dear," the floor echoed the clicking of her heels as she rushed towards my bedside. Again, I tried opening my eyes as she embraced me nimbly and fought the white light.

As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I took in the polished furnishings and simple monitors placed around the room.

"Where am I?" I asked weakly, although I already knew the answer. I placed my elbows underneath me and lifted myself up into a sitting position. At the action, my head throbbed scantly. A breeze swept past my back and I realized I was wearing a hospital gown.

"You're in a hospital, sweetie." After thinking over it, her thoughts then recollected into her strict attitude: "Oh, you silly girl. You are never to go anywhere alone again!"

My head pulsed at her sudden raised voice, causing me to cringe. The other woman in the room noticed this and placed a hand on mother's shoulder.

"Mrs. Brooklyn. Your daughter needs rest." She looked to be in her mid-thirties, a white uniform disguising her body shape. Her cherry red cheeks were pulled up into an affectionate smile while her hair was tightened into a waterfall of rich brown.

"Right. Of course." Mother smiled quickly, seemingly fake. She looked towards the door and then glanced back at me. "Your father and I have been here for the past five hours. Jake has too."

"He has? Why?" I questioned in disbelief.

"He's a lovely gentleman, Tahli. You should be thankful he saved you from that wretched boy. He cares about you." I suppressed a sarcastic laugh at her statement. The pessimistic side to me was so in denial of him ever even thinking twice about me that I was oblivious to the fact that I was being rude.

"He-cares-about-me my ass."


"Mrs. Brooklyn, please keep your voice down." Her only reaction to the nurse's request was a burning glare in my direction. I rolled my eyes.

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