Chapter 1

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First day of school

I arrived at the bus stop and was waiting for the school bus. I pulled out my earphones and my phone to listen to music(*play the music above*) I think it was two songs before the bus arrived.

I love to listen to music it calms me down when i'm frustrated. Finally the bus arrived, I got in and sat near the window to view nature, the music is still on.

I arrived at school and looked for a teacher  and ask where is my classroom.Thats when I saw Lisa Yardlay we were classmates once in 4th grade.

She was sitting  at the corner of the room I walked to the side of her table and said

"hi,my name is Cathy Jade Wryth what's your name?".

She looked up at me and stared at me for a few seconds and answered

"hi m-my name is L-Lisa Yardlay you look familiar have we met before?"she asked I answered her question with

"yes, we were classmates once in 4th grade".

I went to the chair near her table and sat there and the bell rings. All the students in this class came in and sat with their friends. I've never had a friend since 1st grade.

I looked at Lisa and asked

"do you want to be friends?" she looked at me in shock maybe because she never had a friend before.

She then smiled like a kid and said

"yes I will be your friend your the first friend that i ever had in my life"
'I new she had no friends because well she sits alone in the corner of the room and did not talk to any kid here'.I then said

"actually your also my first friend in this school I'm glad that I talked to you or I will be alone in this classroom not talking to any one I never like popular kids and handsome boys, they creep me out".

Then I thought I could question her about her summer I was about to open my mouth when a bunch of popular kids walked in front of us.

They glared at us and said

"Hey freaks, trash like you shouldn't be here"

My friend started to cry and I stood up for her and said
"whats your problem? what did we even do to you?  say that again and I'm gonna gi concentrice you a tour  around hell".

I said with anger in my tone and I feel my eyes color change from purple to crimson red but they cant see it because i was closing my eyes.

She was shocked on what I said to her she was angry  at me and sat down in the front row with her so called 'friends'.

The teacher came in and i calmed down and listen to music to calm me down. When I calm down my eye color changed back to purple.

The teacher started the discussion. And I was taking down notes for a quiz or exam or something.

I remember my friend when I was in 3rd grade his name was
Liu Woods and he has a little brother named Jefferey Woods.

Me and Liu were best friends, his cute smile, his forest green eyes, his hazel brown hair and his cute laugh. I miss him.

We would always study at his house he was always kind to me. We were the best of friends before they moved to another city.

We would always text each other and one day I texted him and he did not respond to my text thats when a part of me died. After that I never made friends with others.

Finally school has ended. I went to my locker and took my things and went out side. I went home alone and felt someone or something following me.

The New CreepypastaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon