Ch.17 Hardest of Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

"You asked me who was the lucky one. My friends, or myself.       I got my emotions back and have a second chance at life. I have a close relationship with my siblings and made new friends. My friends that you killed are at peace and no longer suffer. They are spared from the coming future tragedies of the world.     We all are lucky in different ways.   Even you.   I won't be a thorn in your side anymore.                   Goodbye Slenerman." I finished before leaving his room. I walked up the steps into my room to find Toby looking out the window. He didn't look at me as I walked up to him. He was staring at the moon through my window while taking deep breaths.

"I w-would be lying if I s-ay that I'll be f-fine af-fter you leave." He whispered. I could tell that he was on the edge of crying. I immediately wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could. 

"D-don't forget us." He said as he held onto me.  I kissed his cheek before letting go. I held his hand as I picked up my bag. I looked back at him as I started to walk out of my room. My hand slowly left his leaving him numb and unable to feel. It broke my heart but I had to keep walking. I made it down the steps to see everyone I cared about awake and waiting. I hugged each one before reluctantly walking out the door. I looked at my phone. It didn't have a signal but I had my pictures. My memories. I looked at one in particular and realized that I had a few more people that I needed to see. I ran straight to my house and through the backdoor. I haven't seen them all winter. My parents weren't home and the babysitter was in my parents bedroom talking on the phone. I looked around but couldn't find them. I got to their room but found no sign of them. I was about to leave when I noticed a jump rope tied up keeping the closest doors shut. Curiosity took hold of me and I untied it. I was a little nervous but I opened the doors anyway. 

"Y/n!" Madelyn shouted as the twins ran out of the closet and held onto me tightly. They were shaking. I was concerned, but also furious. 

"Are you two ok? Who put you in there?" I asked before they let go. They looked up at me with tear stained faces. 

"Jane. She got a bottle from the cabinet and called her boyfriend. We were hungry and asked her if she could make a sandwich. She got mad and put us in the closet before going back to her phone." Tristen explained before I saw Jane walk in. 

"What the hell are you doing out? I told you that I will let you out when your parents get back." Jane said clearly drunk. Anger was overflowing. My mind was going crazy. There was a ringing in my head. I tried covering my ears but it wasn't working.

"Y/n?" Tristen said nervously as the twins stood behind me. Jane was starting to make her way towards us.

"Stay away Jane. I'm serious." I said before I twitched slightly. There was a part of me that wanted to strangle her for what she did to my brother and sister. I remembered the dream I had. I felt like it will become reality if she gets too close. The urge was getting stronger with every step she took.

"Jane I'm warning you." I threatened but she continued to walk towards us. I was twitching more. I couldn't hold it back for much longer. 

"What are you gonna do Blank Face? Stare at me?" She scoffed. I lost it and lunged at her. I pinned her down on the floor with my hands tightly gripping her neck. She grabbed a wood block and struck my head with it making me fall off her. It didn't change my mind. The trance I was in didn't go away. I wanted to kill her. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She shouted. There was a trace of fear in her voice. 

"Do you expect me to let you get away with this? Tell me how long you have been doing this to my brother and sister?" I hissed. Jane was quiet for a while. I decided to send Tristen and Madelyn out of the room. I don't want them to see what comes next. 

"It doesn't matter.      I'll make sure it never happens again." I finished before grabbing a baseball bat. I tried to hit her with it but she wouldn't stay still. I tossed the bat to the side and grabbed the jump rope. I wrapped it around her neck and pulled as hard as I could. She was on the floor struggling to breath. I walked over and grabbed the bat again before walking to her head.  I took a deep breath and swung the metal bat as hard as I could on her head. I swung it down again.    And again.       And again. I looked down at her body and into her blank eyes. Her blank face covered in blood. I eventually came out of my trance and dropped the bat before going to the kitchen where Tristen and Madelyn were waiting. 

"Is she gone?" Madelyn asked before I nodded my head.        I knew the moment I walked out of their room away from Jane's corpse, that I became a killer. I made the nightmare a reality. I was, am, and always will be an outcast. I sighed  and looked at the clock. Mom and dad will be home soon. They will see Jane's body. I don't have much time.

"Madelyn. Tristen,       I'm going away. Far away. For your safety as well as my own. We won't see each other again for a long time." I said before the twins' eyes widened in shock. 

"Where will you be going?" Madelyn asked as we walked towards the living room where the back door was. 

"I don't know where I'll go. I don't know if I'll even find a home." I replied before I went to grab my bag. 

"We want to come with you." Tristen said as the two of them walked up to me. I would love for them to join me, but it's something I can't do.

"You can't. You deserve a good life. With lots of friends. You don't deserve the life of an outcast." I said reluctantly. They looked sad, but I can't take away their future and put them in danger.

"I'll try to see you every now and then. Until those times come, don't forget me like mom and dad have. Will you promise me that?" I asked as tears started stinging my eyes. They nodded their heads before hugging me. They started sniffling a little. It hurt to see them sad.    I never thought saying goodbye would be so hard. Today was full of goodbyes that were hard to do. My breath was shaking as I struggled to hold back my cries. 

"I love you two so much." I said between breaths. I didn't want to let go. 

"We love you too. We'll miss you." Tristen said as he started crying. Madelyn started crying shortly after as I let go of them. 

"I'll miss you too. Be good. Be strong. Look out for each other." I told them as tears fell down my face.

"Ok." They said through sobbing breaths. I kissed their foreheads before hugging them again. One last time.

"Goodbye Madalyn. Goodbye Tristen." I said as they hugged me as tight as they could. 

"Goodbye Y/N." They said before I let go. I got up and grabbed my bag before walking out the back door. I was in the backyard approaching the woods but then stopped. I looked back at my baby brother and sister. My face was overflowing with tears. My heart was breaking with every step I took back.  I heard our parents' car pull into the driveway forcing me to go into the woods. I stopped as soon as the house was out of sight. I could hear sirens in the distance. I turned way from the direction of the house and was about to walk, but I froze in shock. I wasn't sure if what I was looking at was real. Right in front of me was Masky, Jack, Ben, Jeff, Hoodie, and Toby. My breath hitched when I realized that they weren't an illusion. Toby walked up to me and looked into my eyes at my heart. He put his hand on the side of my face. My breath grew even more shaky. I immediately wrapped my arms around him and started bawling my eyes out while nuzzling into the side of his neck. I knew that I would see my baby siblings again, but it wouldn't be for at least seven more years. Toby wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine. I lost all the strength in my legs and fell onto my knees bringing Toby down with me. I couldn't stop crying no matter how hard I tried. For the first time in my life, I wanted to have little emotion again. I knew that Madalyn and Tristen were crying just as much. I knew they already missed me. I missed them, but at the same time, I was glad to be with my friends. They were always there, even now. Toby held onto me rocking side to side, comforting me the best he could. After a while, I managed to calm down a little and we stood back up. Toby kept an arm around my shoulder and I continued to quietly cry. We all started walking deeper into the forest to find cars and a map. It was going to be a long drive to find a new home.

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