Jeongin's P.O.V.

Jeongin had left his house that morning in a state of fury. After getting into a brief but heated argument with his mom about him failing his classes, he stormed out, not bothering to take the family chauffeur, but instead managed to catch the only bus going down his street to school.

It's not that Jeongin's family was poor in any way. In fact, they were extremely well off, but with family wealth comes high expectations. His own mother took over her father's company at 25 and married his father, who was the owner of a large hotel chain, 2 years later.

He didn't have any siblings and that being said, there was great pressure on him to take over one of his parents' business when he got older. Jeongin wanted nothing to do with them though.
He wanted to study music and write songs.

Unfortunately, his parents didn't think that a musical career would be a good one.


The bus ride didn't take too long but Jeongin made a mental note to not ever take it again. Screaming babies and screeching school girls were not something he wanted to hear at 8 in the morning.

Despite the rather shitty mood he had been put into, the first two classes of the day went by quickly and with no problems.

Aside from a few girls ogling at him.

Jeongin was considered more cute than hot. Not that it bothered him since appealing to the girls was not something he had an interest in. It was probably his braces that set them off... while they found them cute, he found them rather uncomfortable.

It wasn't until photography class that Jeongin's mood began to sour again.

He approached his friends near the classroom, greeting them with a curt 'hello'.

"Everything ok man?" Minho asked, noticing how silent he had been despite his usual peppy self.

What wasn't wrong.

"Ya, just got into another argument with my mom."

There was that look. That look of pity Minho always gave him when he brought up his parents. He knew it was just because he felt sorry for him, but it had begun to irritate him. "Whatever. It wasn't that big of a deal."

After a moment of silence, Hyunjin began asking them if they were going to the party tonight. Minho of course replied with a yes since he, like Hyunjin, was never one to pass up the chance to make out with some random person. Jeongin might have said yes but as the day progressed, he was feeling more tired rather than in a mood to get unnecessarily wasted.

"I dunno, I'll see." He replied bluntly, not noticing the short boy standing directly behind him.

Hyunjin nodded toward the back of Jeongin and he turned slightly, meeting the gaze of a rather tired looking boy.

'Ugh,' he thought 'My day just got a whole lot shittier.'

Rolling his eyes, he let out a sigh. "Yes?" He questioned.

"I um- I was wondering if you could do the emotions part of the assignment since I've basically done the whole thing by myself..." The smaller boy spoke, his voice trailing off in apparent fear.

Jeongin let out an irritated laugh.

He was in no mood to do any type of work, especially if it was to help a loser who was obviously only asking him because he had no friends. "You can't be serious."

"I'am" The boy seemed to have a sudden burst of courage. "It's not fair that I should have to do everything while you sit up on your throne and make others do your dirty work."

Jeongin was mildly shocked to say the least. Yes, he knew deep inside that he shouldn't leave all the work to him but how would that look to his friends if he suddenly became all "buddy buddy" with the loser kid. What he said next though, threw him over the edge.

"Just because you're popular and have all the money in the world, doesn't give you the right to push others around.. Unlike you, some of us don't have a rich mommy and daddy to get people to do all the work for them."

At that moment, Jeongin let his anger get the best of him as he swung his arm, connecting it a second later with the boy's face. He stumbled to the ground just as Jeongin snapped out of it.

What had he done?

Jeongin shouldn't have regretted it... The little shit deserved it, but as he heard the chorus of laughter break out and saw the boy on the ground begin to cry, he felt a rather great pain in his heart.

This isn't who he was.

"Yang Jeongin!" His teacher yelled out as he approached the scene. "Get over to the principal's office right this instant."

For a moment, he just stood there still in shock. "Now!" The teacher yelled.

With a frustrated sigh, he turned and began stalking off in the direction of the office, leaving the sound of loud laughter behind him.

'For fucks sakes' he thought.
He ran a hand through his hair roughly. If his parents didn't think of him as a disappointment before, they would sure think of him as one now.

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